Extract list from list of lists

I have a list of lists in java.

static ArrayList<List> permutationS = new ArrayList<List>();


The inner list is an ArrayList of integers.

List<Integer> innerList = new ArrayList<Integer>();


Now I want to select innerList if it contains a specific integer. How can I achieve this?


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Do it like this:

List<List<Integer>> permutationS = new ArrayList<>();

// list initialization here

int i = 5; // the Integer you are searching for

for(List<Integer> innerList : permutationS) {
   if(innerList.contains(i)) {
     // found, do something with innerList




As I don't know which version of Java you are using, I suggest looping through it as

List<List<Integer>> Permutation_S = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); 
for(List<Integer> listInList: Permutation_S){
    for(Integer integerValue: listInList){
        if(integerValue == 2 /*your desired value*/){
            //DO SOMETHING


You can of course use streams if you are on Java 8 or higher



Solution with stream


int x = 3; // the number to be looked

List<Integer> selectedInnerList = permutationS.stream()
                                              .filter(s -> s.contains(x))


Note that it findFirst()

returns an optional object, so it get()

throws an exception if there is no such element



What about:

public List getList(Object value) {

    for (List inner : Permutation_S) {
        if (inner.contains(value))
            return inner;




One solution would be to remove all List<Integer>

that do not contain a specific integer (e.g. 10):

permutationS.removeIf(list -> !list.contains(10));


Another solution would be to use streams and filtering to do it:

            .filter(list -> list.contains(10))


If you're looking for just one List<Integer>

, you can use the following:

List<Integer> newList = permutationS.parallelStream()
                                    .filter(list -> list.contains(10))




Maybe with a structure like this?

for (List<Integer> lists : permutationS) {
    for(Integer integers : lists){
        //Your tests 




This will allow you to get a list that contains the value you want, and if none of the inner lists contain it, it will return a new empty list:

int val = 10;
List<Integer> innerList = permutationS.stream()    //iterate over inner lists
        .filter(list -> list.contains(val))        //keep one which contains the value
        .findAny()                                 //keep only one if exists
        .orElse(new ArrayList<>());                // if no-one return new List



permutationS.add(Arrays.asList(0, 6, 13, 14));
permutationS.add(Arrays.asList(1, 10, 11, 18, 6, 78, 79, 9));
permutationS.add(Arrays.asList(2, 22, 4, 20));

List<Integer> innerList = permutationS.stream().filter(list -> list.contains(10))
                                               .findAny().orElse(new ArrayList<>());
innerList.size(); // = 8

List<Integer> innerList2 = permutationS.stream().filter(list -> list.contains(34))
                                                .findAny().orElse(new ArrayList<>());
innnerList2.size(); // = 0




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