What is the time complexity of a Haskell "tail" function?

I was reading a Haskell textbook while thinking about myself; what is the time complexity of a Haskell function tail

(and why)?
(I cannot find the answer in any documentation)

I would assume that for a list of size n the function tail

would be O (n) i.e. will just copy the tail into a new list and return it. But then again, I'm not very good at basic Haskell architecture (I'm new to the language).

Of course I could this time. But I don't know yet how to get time in Haskell, and I also want to know how Haskell handles this problem in order to justify why it is O (n) / O (1) or whatever.

Thank you in advance:)


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2 answers

Haskell language is not specified. But in GHC (the most commonly used implementation) it's O (1). The tail doesn't need to be copied - it's safe to share between the original list and someone using only the tail of the list, because everything in Haskell is immutable.

Problem with calling: why init

, which stores everything but the last element of the list, works in O (n)? Why doesn't the sharing argument apply here?



Short answer: if the list has already been created before this node, O (1) .

A list in Haskell is a linked list . It is defined as:

data [a] = [] | a : [a]


So this means that either we have an empty list or a construct a : [a]

. So, a node with head

( a

) that refers to an object of type a

and a tail

that refers to a list [a]

(which could be an empty list or another node).

The source code tail

is base

defined as:

tail                    :: [a] -> [a]
tail (_:xs)             =  xs
tail []                 =  errorEmptyList "tail"


It runs in O (1) because we are just following the pointer to the "tail" of this node.

Remember, however, that Haskell is lazy . It's not that we get an object of the type [a]

that we have a materialized list: usually Haskell first has to evaluate the expression tree that was passed before the given node. This can lead to the evaluation of a complex and time consuming algorithm. So it depends on the expression tree you were provided with .



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