How to deal with rpg2pgsql bitmap tiles?

I imported a bitmap file to PostGIS using raster2pgsql, I set -t 50x50 and created about 500 lines. I know that these -t divides the raster into small tiles and they can index them. I've seen many examples using rid = 2 in the where clause to specify the tile. But my question is how to handle the whole bitmap and not a specific chunk. For example, when I use ST_SummaryStats, it generates statistics of 500 row results for each chunk. When I ST_Clip it also generates about 500 rows of clipping results for each chunk. How do I clip the entire raster? Thank!!


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1 answer

I think ST_Union

this is what you are looking for. First you need to merge all the tiles and then apply your work.

Usage example ST_SummaryStats


db=# SELECT ST_SummaryStats(rast) FROM t;
(10 Zeilen)


Now this same operation using ST_Union


db=# SELECT ST_SummaryStats(ST_Union(rast)) FROM t;
(1 Zeile)


For summary statistics, you can also use ST_SummaryStatsAgg


db=# SELECT ST_SummaryStatsAgg(rast,1,false) FROM t;
(1 Zeile)




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