Ansible: creating variables from json string

In Ansible, is there a way to convert a dynamic list of key / value pairs that are in a JSON variable to variable names / values ​​that can be accessed in the Playbook without using the file system?

IE. If I have the following JSON in a variable (in my case already imported from a URI call):

        "ansible_facts": {
            "list_of_passwords": {
                "ansible_password": "abc123",
                "ansible_user": "user123",
                "blue_server_password": "def456",
                "blue_server_user": "user456"


Is there a way to convert this JSON variable to equivelant from:

  ansible_password: abc123
  ansible_user: user123
  blue_server_password: def456
  blue_server_user: user456


I usually have to write the variable to a file and then import it using vars_files:

. Our goal is not to write secrets to the file system.


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1 answer

You can use the uri module to make the call and then register the response to the variable:

For example:

- uri:
    body_format: json
  register: response
- debug:
    msg: "{{response.json}}"
- set_fact: {"{{ item.key }}":"{{ item.val }}"}
  with_dict: "{{response.json.ansible_facts.list_of_passwords}}"




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