Visual impairment and need advice, advice or encouragement

Some personal information

I am currently programming in Java and postgresql in my spare time. For many years, my goal has been to become a professional software developer. But I have a hereditary visual impairment. My vision is 0.2 / 1 in both eyes. But I'm concerned that there is no point in this career, although I'm passionate about programming, coding, and problem solving. I am 24 years old and my vision may deteriorate in the future with age.

The obstacles I face and my questions

I'm already finding it difficult and tedious to navigate IDEs, GUIs and readable documentation due to my vision. How do you, other visually impaired or blind developers, use the GUI, IDE, develop the GUI in your development, learn new frameworks, or even learn new programming languages? How do you work efficiently? Should I learn Linux instead of Windows? Is it easier to use Linux for the visually impaired with terminal / console and so on? I am using windows magnifier and use rich fonts with high contrast colors. I am very impressed with those who are doing these tasks and I need advice, advice or inspiration. I feel a little discouraged by my disability. Sorry if this post was too personal. I hope everything is okay.


linux windows accessibility blind blindness

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