Best 3rd Party User Interface for Angular 2

I am new to Angular2 and am trying to develop an application from scratch. In this application, I will need to make extensive use of controls like Scheduler, Grids, Charts along with other controls. I searched Google and came across Syncfusion, Kendo UI, DevExtreme, etc. but couldn't come to a final solution. Please imagine what kind of control over the third party user interface Thrid should be used. My basic needs are -

  • Performance

  • Very good documentation

  • Easily accessible support from a specific company as well as from a community of people who use the same.

  • Lazy Loading

  • An easily accessible way to customize the controls to some extent if needed.


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2 answers

You can use the next generation JavaScript components Syncfusion. Essential JS 2

These components are completely developed in TypeScript and have full built-in support for Angular features such as Ahead Of Compilation and Tree-Shaking. By using tree shake you can exclude unused control functions like Grid, Chart, etc. From your production package.

The controls are fully open source and hosted on GitHub under the Syncfusion Community License . Plus, it will satisfy your mentioned basic needs, i.e. performance, support, lazy loading and customization. and his documentation continues to improve as he will have full documentation this month.

Please refer to the following links

EDIT Currently only Grid, Chart and other supporting components are available. The planner is already on our roadmap and has begun to push it forward, which will be available in any of our upcoming releases.



Use Primeng along with angular2 material components as both are compatible. Both have very good documentation, support lazy loading and customization of components, it's a matter of changing the CSS.

Refer to the links below:



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