Context switch injection - second function doesn't run again

I am trying to implement context switching using C ++ and inline assembly (AT&T) on x86-64.
It seems to work correctly if I save and reload the context for the same function. However, when I try to execute the functions it gave me a seg fault / corrupt stack using GDB after trying to load the second functional context.

For example, it prints Print1
// Corrupted stack and the program stops working

However, if I were to save the thread 1 context (1st function) before reloading it, there would be no problem.

For example, it prints Print1

I am creating memory space to store context and stack. When saving the context, the stack pointer and base pointer will be saved in the structure. After that, the stack pointer will point to the context memory to push the register values.

I would like to know what is causing the damaged stack and why I cannot load the second function context back. And if possible, please kindly help me point out any errors in my code. Thank!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
namespace CORO
using ThreadID = unsigned;
static int thread_count;

enum STATE

struct thd_data
  int parent_ID = 0;
  int id = 0;
  STATE state = READY;

  int * stack_mem;
  void * stackptr;
  void * stackbp;
  void * param = nullptr;
  int * context_mem;
  int * context_sp;

  :stack_mem{new int[1024]}, context_mem{new int[1024]} 


  thd_data(const thd_data & rhs)
  :stack_mem{new int[1024]}, context_mem{new int[1024]} 


  thd_data & operator=(const thd_data & rhs)


static thd_data* curr_thd;

std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<thd_data>> threadmap;

// Returns a pointer to next thread
thd_data * FindNextThread()
  int new_id;
  for(const auto & elem : activeListID)
    if(elem != curr_thd->id)
      new_id = elem;
  auto threadmap_elem = threadmap.find(new_id);
  if(threadmap_elem != threadmap.end())
    return &(*threadmap_elem->second);
    return nullptr;

void thd_init()
  threadmap[0] = std::make_shared<thd_data>();
  auto main_thd = threadmap.find(0)->second;

  main_thd->state = ACTIVE;
  main_thd->id = 0;
  main_thd->param = nullptr;
  main_thd->funcptr = nullptr;

  curr_thd = &(*main_thd);

ThreadID new_thd( void*(*func)(void*), void *param)
  thread_count += 1; // increment counter

  threadmap[thread_count] = std::make_shared<thd_data>();
  auto thd = threadmap.find(thread_count)->second;

  thd->state = READY;
  thd->id = thread_count;

  thd->stackptr = thd->stack_mem+1024;
  thd->stackbp = thd->stack_mem;
  thd->funcptr = func;
  thd->param = param;
  return thd->id;

void thd_yield()
  // Find the next ready thread
  thd_data* thd = FindNextThread();

  if(thd == nullptr)

  // Move ID to the end of vector
  activeListID.erase(std::remove(activeListID.begin(), activeListID.end(), curr_thd->id), activeListID.end());

  // Save context
    asm volatile
      "movq %%rsp, %0\n\t" // save stack pointer
      "movq %%rbp, %1\n\t" // save rbp
      "movq %3, %%rsp\n\t" // point to context mem then push register values into it
      "pushq %%rax\n\t"
      "pushq %%rbx\n\t"
      "pushq %%rcx\n\t"
      "pushq %%rdx\n\t"
      "pushq %%rsi\n\t"
      "pushq %%rdi\n\t"
      "pushq %%r8\n\t"
      "pushq %%r9\n\t"
      "pushq %%r10\n\t"
      "pushq %%r11\n\t"
      "pushq %%r12\n\t"
      "pushq %%r13\n\t"
      "pushq %%r14\n\t"
      "pushq %%r15\n\t"
      "movq %%rsp, %2\n\t" // save rsp into context sp (end of context mem)
      "movq %4, %%rsp\n\t" // restore stackptr into rsp

  curr_thd->state = WAITING;
  curr_thd = thd;

  // Calls function if thread is not running
  if(thd->state == READY)
    thd->state = ACTIVE;
    // Restore context
      asm volatile
        "movq %0, %%rbp\n\t" // restore stackbp into rbp
        "movq %1, %%rsp\n\t" // point to context memory to pop
        "popq %%r15\n\t"
        "popq %%r14\n\t"
        "popq %%r13\n\t"
        "popq %%r12\n\t"
        "popq %%r11\n\t"
        "popq %%r10\n\t"
        "popq %%r9\n\t"
        "popq %%r8\n\t"
        "popq %%rdi\n\t"
        "popq %%rsi\n\t"
        "popq %%rdx\n\t"
        "popq %%rcx\n\t"
        "popq %%rbx\n\t"
        "popq %%rax\n\t"
        "movq %2, %%rsp\n\t" // point to TCB stack pointer
} // end namespace
void* print1(void *a)
  int i;
  for(i=0; i< 20; i++)
    std::cout<<"Print1 i: "<<i<<std::endl;
  return NULL;

void* print2(void *a)
  int i;
  for(i=0; i< 20; i++)
    std::cout<<"Print2 i: "<<i<<std::endl;
  return NULL;

int main()
  CORO::ThreadID id;
  id = CORO::new_thd(print2, NULL);



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1 answer

First, your first asm statement reconfigures rsp

to undefined when you read input after writing to the non-early output of the clober; for such operations, it must read an output parameter, curr_thd->stackptr

it must not be an input parameter.

When starting a new thread, your code doesn't switch to the new stack, but uses the old stack stack. This explains your failure.

Your second asm statement restores register values ​​suitable for exiting the first asm statement, but exits with a stack status and an instruction pointer suitable for outputting the second asm statement; this leads to undefined behavior. If the function is somehow copied, it will also be in the wrong copy of the context switch function.

GCC inline assembler must not modify the contents of registers that are not in the output list or clobber, and cannot control the input of one asm statement and leave another (in the same stream); this leads to undefined behavior. Therefore, saving the context and restoring it cannot be separate asm statements.

You must use one build block for the context switch. Especially for context switches, it is easiest to avoid inline assembly.



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