How do I include library dependencies with a python project?

I am working on a program that some other people will use, built in Python. They all have python installed, however there are several libraries from which this program is imported.

Ideally, I would like to just send them the Python files and they can just run it instead of telling them about each of the libraries they need to install and how to get each one manually using pip.

Is it possible to include all the libraries my project uses with my Python files (or perhaps install an installer that installs it for them)? Or do I just need to give them a complete list of python libraries they need to install and have them do each one by hand?


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3 answers

This is the topic Python Packaging Tutorial .

In short, you pass them as a install_requires

to setuptools.setup()


You can then create the package in many formats including wheel, egg, and even Windows Installer package.

Using a standard packaging framework will also give you the benefit of simple version control.



You should be using virtualenv

package management for your project. If you do this, you can pip freeze > requirements.txt

keep all project dependencies. This requirements.txt

will then contain all the necessary requirements to run your application. Add this file to your repository. All packages from requirements.txt

can be installed using

pip install -r requirements.txt


Another option is to create a PyPI package. You can find a tutorial on this section here



You can create a package and specify the dependencies in the file. This is the right way

from setuptools import setup

  description='The funniest joke in the world',
  author='Flying Circus',


The hack option now needed is some lib that allows your script to interact with the shell. pexpect is my favorite way to automate shell interactions.



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