Leaflet.Editable doesn't work with latest version of Leaflet.js

I am trying to work with Leaflet.Editable plugin on Leaflet , so I add controls to my map and draw different shapes.

Although the examples work very well, I was unable to run this plugin on the latest version of the flyer version 1.1.0

and it keeps giving me the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: L.Polyline._flat is not a function
    at NewClass.initVertexMarkers (Leaflet.Editable.js:1022)
    at NewClass.addHooks (Leaflet.Editable.js:1015)
    at NewClass.enable (leaflet-src.js:5559)
    at NewClass.enableEdit (Leaflet.Editable.js:1736)
    at NewClass.startRectangle (Leaflet.Editable.js:336)
    at NewClass.<anonymous> (MyJSFile:128)
    at HTMLAnchorElement.handler (leaflet-src.js:2225)


Why is this happening? Should the community update the plugin accordingly?

PS Editable examples are working on version 1.0.3


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