Django / Python module testing: allow you to increase the number of exceptions

I am debugging a unit test error causing the exception to be thrown from the guts of some libraries; many exceptions. I am using ipdb

from the command line to debug it.

on startup ./ test

and an exception occurs, the test runner catches the exception, prints the stack trace and notes that the test failed or whatever. I understand why this is useful instead of allowing an exception.

In my case, I want it to go up, so I ipdb

catch it and land in a good position to move up / down frames and debug problems. I don't want wrapper tests to run in try

or place calls ipdb.set_trace()

where exceptions are thrown. It is a pain and it slows down debugging. Usually this is not a problem, but today it is.

Q: Can I stop the tester by catching the exception, so ipdb

it won't replace it instead?

I feel like there must be a way to do this, as it would be very helpful when debugging, but I missed it along the line somewhere.

(Ps, Python 2.7, Django 1.6 primer)


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1 answer

There is django-nose , django unittest runner

, which still supports django 1.6 and python 2.7.

There is an option --pdb

for the nose that:

Discard the debugger on crashes or errors

And you can run it like this:

nosetests --pdb


Since you want to work with ipdb

, there is this nasal plugin that allows nose

you to use ipdb


nosetests --ipdb




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