Python transpose one row into a column
I know this question has been asked on multiple threads on stackoverflow, but I haven't been able to achieve how I wanted the data to be transposed. I am a complete newbie to python, mainly working with sql.
I have values stored in dataframe in format as below
order_id primary_dish primary_cat dish_id
912574 54465 2423 54481
912574 54465 2423 54540
912574 54481 2425 54465
912574 54481 2425 54540
912574 54540 2429 54481
912574 54540 2429 54465
I want this data to be presented as
order_id primary_dish primary_cat 54481 5450 54465
912574 54465 2423 1 1 0
912574 54481 2425 0 1 1
912574 54540 2429 1 0 1
Basically the last column dish_id
in the saved data frame df is transposed, and the values present for that main cymbal are represented by 1 and if not, then they are represented by 0
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2 answers
Try the following:
In [5]: df.pivot_table(index=['order_id','primary_dish','primary_cat'],
columns='dish_id', aggfunc='size', fill_value=0) \
dish_id order_id primary_dish primary_cat 54465 54481 54540
0 912574 54465 2423 0 1 1
1 912574 54481 2425 1 0 1
2 912574 54540 2429 1 1 0
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