Turning igraph.vs into dataframe
So, I am using all_shortest_paths to get an output that looks like this:
+ 4/990 vertices, named:
[1] Sortilin GGA1 Ubiquitin PIMT
+ 4/990 vertices, named:
[1] Sortilin TrkA PLK1 PIMT
+ 4/990 vertices, named:
[1] Sortilin APP JAB1 PIMT
I would like to turn this into a dataframe so that I can manipulate it. For reference, I would like the dataframe to look like this:
Prot1 Prot2 Prot3 Prot4
Pathway1 Sortilin GGA1 PLK1 PIMT
Pathway2 Sortilin TrkA PLK1 PIMT
Pathway3 Sortilin APP JAB1 PIMT
* I know how to change the axis names
I've tried
but I am getting this error:
Error in as.data.frame.default (x [[i]], optional = TRUE): cannot force class "igraph.vs" "to data.frame
I also tried this:
PathDF <- as.data.frame(get.edgelist(PathsE))
but i am getting this error
Error in get.edgelist (PathsE): not a graph object
When I loop through a row of data with
he says it's a list. But when I use
it looks like this:
..$ :Class 'igraph.vs' atomic [1:4] 338 204 40 913
.. .. ..- attr(*, "env")=<weakref>
.. .. ..- attr(*, "graph")= chr "717e99fb-b7db-4e35-8fd3-1d8d741e6612"
which looks like a matrix to me.
From this information, any of you have ideas on how to convert this to a dataframe. I'm sorry if I'm missing anything obvious - I'm pretty new to R!
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First, a couple of clarifying points. The object created all_shortest_paths
is a list with two elements: 1) res
and 2) nrgeo
. An object is res
also a list, but a list of objects igraph.vs
. An object igraph.vs
is a igraph
specific object known as a vertex sequence. Basic R functions won't know what to do with it. Therefore, we use a function as_id
to convert an object igraph.vs
to an ID vector.
Since it PathsE$res
is a list of objects igraph.vs
, you need to iterate over the list and collapse it into a data frame. There are several ways to do this. Here is one of them:
g <- sample_smallworld(1, 100, 5, 0.05) #Building a random graph
sp <- all_shortest_paths(g, 5, 70)
mat <- sapply(sp$res, as_ids)
#sapply iterates the function as_ids over all elements in the list sp$res and collapses it into a matrix
This creates a matrix, but note that this is a transposition of what you want:
> mat
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 5 5 5 5
[2,] 100 4 100 1
[3,] 95 65 65 75
[4,] 70 70 70 70
So, transfer it and transform it into a dataframe:
> df <- as.data.frame(t(mat))
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 5 100 95 70
2 5 4 65 70
3 5 100 65 70
4 5 1 75 70
What can we do in one line of code:
g <- sample_smallworld(1, 100, 5, 0.05)
sp <- all_shortest_paths(g, 5, 70)
df <- as.dataframe(t(sapply(sp$res, as_ids)))
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