Angular Abstract Control remove error

I want to be able to remove a specific error from the form control and not clear the whole error.

control.setError({'firstError': true})


and remove this specific error like

control.removeError({'firstError}) and not control.setError({null})


I tried

control.setError({'firstError': false})


but doesn't work.

Any help. Thanks to

angular 4.1.1


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5 answers

You can delete like this:

control.setError({'firstError': null})




You can remove the error with:

control.setError({'firstError': null});





First, you should check your field for this error. Then remove that. And to complete, you need to update all errors in your control.

Something like this in the validator function:

if (control.hasError('firstError')) {
      delete control.errors['firstError'];





Unfortunately it didn't work for me. I just used updateValueAndValidity () which is used to recalculate the value and validate. Below is my validator function that validates mine grossWeight


validateWeights(formGroup) {
    let netWeight = formGroup.get('netWeight');
    let grossWeight = formGroup.get('grossWeight');

    if (parseFloat(netWeight.value) > parseFloat(grossWeight.value)) {
        grossWeight.setErrors({ 'customError': true });
        netWeight.setErrors({ 'customError': true });
    } else {
        if(netWeight.errors && netWeight.errors['customError']) {
        if (grossWeight.errors && grossWeight.errors['customError']) {




If we add and remove errors dynamically starting with Angular 8, the above examples just don't work. I add errors based on the state of the other controls. I have two clients defined with the same email address. This is the only solution I could find.

tap(duplicateError => {
    /* Note to future self...
     * I'm beginning to hate AbstractControl.errors.
     * The email control can have multiple errors (required, email, and duplicate);
     * The ONLY way to clear an error is to not have it in the object that is passed to the setErrors call.
     * You CANNOT pass null or undefined! It will still be evaluated as an error!
     * This is also true if there are NO errors AT ALL. You cannot pass setErrors({}) or the control will be
     * invalid, even though there are no errors! You must call setErrors(null);
     * This is stupid, but it the only way it works.
     * This code is concerned with setting/removing the duplicate error.
    const email = this.form.get('email');
    // Clone the existing errors
    const existingErrors = { };
    // Ensure that duplicate error is removed (we're in the change handler for the duplicate error)
    delete existingErrors.duplicate;
    if (duplicateError) {
        // We have a new duplicate error, so add it.
        email.setErrors({ ...existingErrors, duplicate: duplicateError.errorMessage });
    } else if (Object.keys(existingErrors).length === 0) {
        // We have NO errors, so pass null
    } else {
        // We have existing errors, but no new duplicate error. Pass the existing errors.




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