How to get duration, size and input sizes of video files in Yii2?

I have a form that accepts a video file as input. It looks like this.

<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options'=>['enctype'=>'multipart/form-data']]); ?>

<?= $form->field($model, 'file')->fileInput(['maxlength' => true]) ?> 


I want to get the duration, dimensions and size of a video. There is no mention of video parsing in the yiiframework docs. Is there a way to do this?

Edit: As suggested, getID3 () exists to work with native php. Is there a way to do this in Yii2 without third party libraries? If not, how to integrate getID3 () in Yii2?


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3 answers


Step 1: ( Install FFmpeg here )

Step 2: To get the duration of the video

public static function getDuration($filePath)
    exec('ffmpeg -i'." '$filePath' 2>&1 | grep Duration | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d ,",$O,$S);
        return $O[0];
        return false;


Step 3: To get the dimensions of the video

 public static function getAVWidthHeight( $filePath )
    exec("ffprobe -v error -show_entries stream=width,height -of default=noprint_wrappers=1 '$filePath'",$O,$S);
        $list = [

        return $list;
        return false;




Add "james-heinrich/getid3": "*"

to the require

section in the project-directory/composer.json

file, then in the project directory (if you installed composer well) run the command:

composer update


Then in your project use it:

$getID3 = new \getID3;

$file = $getID3->analyze($pathToFIle);


The complete library will be available in your project without unnecessary imports / requires.



Yii2 implementation of getID3 ()

step1: you need to download the class file from below url

step2: extract it to your url provider directory like below.

seller / getID3-master / getID3 / getid3.php

step3: put below code to check the result

public function actionIndex() { //where you need this code

  $path = \Yii::getAlias("@vendor/getID3-master/getid3/getid3.php");
  $getID3 = new \getID3;
  $file = $getID3->analyze($path_of_the_video_file);

  echo("Duration: " . $file['playtime_string'] .
    " / Dimensions: " . $file['video']['resolution_x'] . " wide by " . $file['video']['resolution_y'] . " tall" .
    " / Filesize: " . $file['filesize'] . " bytes<br />"); 

 die;// for see instant result;





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