Cookies are not available in the Office Outlook AddIn

I am developing an Addin for Outlook, here is my problem : IE and Safari by default third party cookies are disabled, I cannot set my application cookies because it is viewed as third party, so I run the model dialog to show the application login page. after a successful login, I see the cookie is set and I close my model dialog. after that i refresh my host page to redirect to the portal we designed for Addin, here my Addin cannot read cookie. but when i open a new tab i can access my portal because the cookie is available

I have a job like enabling third-party browser cookies, but I don't want to ask my clients to allow third-party browser cookies. so I tried to set a cookie through the model dialog.

Thanks for your help, I'm glad to know why I can't access the cookie available in my browser.


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1 answer

Office.js provides a Dialog API for user authentication . Dialog features are specifically designed to provide seamless user interactions with different clients and platforms. This API is fully supported by Outlook, subject to the Dialog Interface Requirements Set . Office.context.ui

provides objects and methods that you can use to create and manipulate user interface components, such as dialog boxes, in your office add-in.



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