Performance Issues When Querying a View on SQL Server

I am currently facing some poor performance issues with strange behavior on SQL Server 2016 Enterprise.

I created a new schema in the database and then created a view inside that schema.

Now when I connect directly to the database containing this schema and view and write a simple query like



it takes about 30 minutes (!). The same happens with a full query like



But now if I first change the database to master or another custom database and then run the query across the databases again, it completes in about 10 seconds (!). The database properties of both databases are the same, as are the drives used for the database files and log files.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing such huge performance problems?

I used the following code for the view:

CREATE VIEW [controlling].[UnitLoginHistory]

    WITH    cte 
                    Jahr, UnityId, Unit_UnityId, Analytical_Code, Unit_Code, Unit_Name, Active
            ,       Show_in_org_chart, Begin_Date, End_Date, Unit_Owner_First_Name, Unit_Owner_Last_Name
            ,       Unit_Owner_Login, Unit_Owner_CorporateID, UnityParentId, UnityTypeId, Unit_Level
            ,       Magnitude_Code, ImportDate, ReplicationLevel 
            ,       a.UnityId 
            ,       a.UnityId 
            ,       a.Analytical_Code 
            ,       a.Unit_Code 
            ,       a.Unit_Name 
            ,       cast(case when a.Active = 'True' then 1 else 0 end as bit)
            ,       a.Show_in_org_chart 
            ,       a.Begin_Date 
            ,       a.End_Date 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_First_Name 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_Last_Name 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_Login 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_CorporateID 
            ,       a.UnityParentId 
            ,       a.UnityTypeId 
            ,       a.Unit_Level 
            ,       a.Magnitude_Code
            ,       a.ImportDate
            ,       1
            FROM    [Staging_INPUT].[DBO].[OBS_Workunit]    a
            JOIN    (
                                    YEAR(IMPORTDATE)        Jahr
                            ,       MAX(IMPORTDATE)         Datum
                            FROM    [Staging_INPUT].[DBO].[OBS_Workunit]
                            GROUP   BY
                    )                                       dt
            ON      a.ImportDate                    =       dt.datum
            WHERE   a.unitytypeid                   =       12
            UNION   ALL
            ,       b.UnityId 
            ,       a.UnityId 
            ,       b.Analytical_Code 
            ,       a.Unit_Code 
            ,       a.Unit_Name 
            ,       cast(case when a.Active = 'True' then 1 else 0 end as bit)
            ,       a.Show_in_org_chart 
            ,       a.Begin_Date 
            ,       a.End_Date 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_First_Name 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_Last_Name 
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_Login      
            ,       a.Unit_Owner_CorporateID 
            ,       a.UnityParentId 
            ,       a.UnityTypeId   
            ,       a.Unit_Level 
            ,       a.Magnitude_Code
            ,       a.ImportDate 
            ,       b.ReplicationLevel + 1
            FROM    [Staging_INPUT].[DBO].[OBS_Workunit]    a
            JOIN    cte                                     b
            ON      a.UnityId                       =       b.UnityParentId
            AND     a.ImportDate                    =       b.ImportDate
            AND     a.UnityTypeId                   >=      6 
    ,       Company
            SELECT  DISTINCT 
            ,       UnityId
            ,       LEFT(REPLACE(Magnitude_Code,'XE','U'),4) CompanyUID
            FROM    cte
            WHERE   UnityTypeId     =       7
            AND     Active          =       1

    ,       BUs 
            SELECT  DISTINCT 
                    a.Jahr                          JAHR
            ,       a.UnityId                       UnityId
            ,       c.Analytical_Code               BU_CODE
            ,       c.Unit_Name                     BU_NAME
            ,       b.CompanyUID
            FROM    cte                     a

            JOIN    Company                 b
            ON      a.Jahr          =       b.Jahr
            AND     a.UnityId       =       b.UnityId
            AND     a.Active        =       1

            JOIN    cte                     c
            ON      a.Jahr          =       c.Jahr
            AND     a.UnityId       =       c.Unit_UnityId
            AND     c.Active        =       1

            WHERE   ISNULL(c.Analytical_Code,'') != ''
            a.JAHR                          JAHR
    ,       a.BU_CODE                       BU_CODE
    ,       a.BU_NAME                       BU_NAME
    ,       'EUROPE\'
    +       b.Unit_Owner_Login              BU_LOGIN
    ,       b.Unit_Owner_Last_Name 
    +       ', '
    +       b.Unit_Owner_First_Name         BU_LOGIN_NAME
    ,       a.CompanyUID                    COMPANY_UID
    FROM    BUs                             a

    JOIN    cte                             b
    ON      a.Jahr                  =       b.Jahr
    AND     a.UnityId               =       b.UnityId
    AND     b.Active                =       1


            a.Jahr                          JAHR
    ,       a.BU_CODE                       BU_CODE
    ,       a.BU_NAME                       BU_NAME
    ,       c.BU_LOGIN                      BU_LOGIN
    ,       c.BU_LOGIN_NAME                 BU_LOGIN_NAME
    ,       a.CompanyUID                    COMPANY_UID
    FROM    BUs                             a

    CROSS   JOIN (
                    SELECT  DISTINCT
                            [Last Name]     COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS
                    +       ', '
                    +       [First Name]    COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS BU_LOGIN_NAME   
                    ,       'EUROPE\'
                    +       [User Id]       COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS BU_LOGIN  
                    FROM    NAVISION.dbo.Employee
                    WHERE   [Global Dimension 2 Code]       IN      (
                                                                    ,       10062
                    AND     ISNULL([User Id],'')            !=      ''
                 )                          c



Runtime and statistics:



set statistics io on 
set statistics time on

select * 
from NAVISION.dbo.UnitLoginHistory 
where Jahr = 2017 
order by 1,2


SQL Server compile time and time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.

(34,119 rows affected) "Desktop" table. Number of scans 1607, logical read 253696, physical read 0, read forward 1238, logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Table "U415 Altran Engineering GmbH $ Employee". Scan count 1, boolean read 128, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Table "U388 Altran Aviation GmbH $ Employee". Number of scans 1, logical read 42, physical read 0, read forward 0, logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read / read lob 0. Table "U354 Altran Service GmbH $ Employee". Scans 1, Logical Read 210, Physical Read 0, Read Forward - 0, Logical Read Logic 0,physical reading lob 0, reading with reading lob 0. Table "U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee". Number of scans 1, logical read 934, physical read 0, read forward 0, logical read logical 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Table "OBS_Workunit". Scan count 46286, boolean read 10430933, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical lob read 0, read / read lob 0.boolean read 10430933, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical read lob 0, read-read lob 0.boolean read 10430933, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical lob 0, lob 0 read-read.

SQL Server Runtime: CPU Time = 1363546 ms, Elapsed Time = 1455980 ms.

use Staging_INPUT

set statistics io on 
set statistics time on

select * 
from NAVISION.dbo.UnitLoginHistory 
where Jahr = 2017 
order by 1,2


SQL Server compile time and time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 0 ms.

(34,119 rows affected) "Desktop" table. Number of scans 582, boolean read 576096, physical read 0, read forward 146, boolean read 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Working file table. Number of scan 0, logical read 0, physical read 0, read forward 0, logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Table "OBS_Workunit". Scan count 53573, boolean read 485656, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical read lob 0, read / write lob 0. Table "U415 Altran Engineering GmbH $ Employee". Scan count 1, logical read 128, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, lob physical read 0,reading with reading lob 0. Table "U388 Altran Aviation GmbH $ Employee". Number of scans 1, logical read 42, physical read 0, read forward 0, logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read / read lob 0. Table "U354 Altran Service GmbH $ Employee". Scans 1, Logical Read 210, Physical Read 0, Read Forward - 0, Logical Read Logic 0, Physical Read Lob 0, Read / Read lob 0. Table "U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee". Scan count 1, boolean read 934, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical lob read 0, read-read lob 0.logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read with read lob 0. Table "U354 Altran Service GmbH $ Employee". Scans 1, Logical Read 210, Physical Read 0, Read Forward - 0, Logical Read Logic 0, Physical Read Lob 0, Read / Read lob 0. Table "U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee". Scan count 1, boolean read 934, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical lob read 0, read-read lob 0.logical read lob 0, physical read lob 0, read with read lob 0. Table "U354 Altran Service GmbH $ Employee". Scans 1, Logical Read 210, Physical Read 0, Read Forward - 0, Logical Read Logic 0, Physical Read Lob 0, Read / Read lob 0. Table "U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee". Scan count 1, boolean read 934, physical read 0, read forward 0, boolean read 0, physical lob read 0, read-read lob 0.U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee ". Scan Count 1, Logical Read 934, Physical Read 0, Read Forward 0, Logical Forehead Read 0, Physical Read Lob 0, Read Read Lob 0.U353 AIH Holding GmbH Co KG $ Employee ". Scan Count 1, Logical Read 934, Physical Read 0, Read Forward 0, Logical Forehead Read 0, Physical Read Lob 0, Read Read Lob 0.

SQL Server Runtime: CPU Time = 15047 ms, Elapsed Time = 28007 ms.


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1 answer

Different performance should be due to different execution plans. Since plans differ depending on the context of the database, this implies different settings that affect the plan. There are so many default SET options and properties that can vary by database, you missed one or two.

I suggest creating scripts CREATE DATABASE

for 2 databases and comparing scripts.


Differences in database compatibility level can affect execution plans. SQL Server will use the legacy database cardinality estimate of 110 (SQL Server 2012), while the new CE will use the 120 and later databases if LEGACY_CARDINALITY_ESTIMATION is enabled.



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