Screen reader reads the content of the tooltip when it appears

I am using bootstrap function tool-tip


I have button

, and when I click on it, it appears tooltip

. I can achieve this functionality using the option trigger

for the Boottrap tool-tip module.

However, screen devices cannot read the contents of the open tool-tip


I am trying to get screen readers to read the contents of the tool tip as soon as it appears.

So how to ensure that the contents of the tool tip are communicated by screen programs when the user presses the Enter key when focusing button


Can anyone help me achieve this functionality?

I am attaching the plunker link


source to share

1 answer

You can use aria role = "tooltip" for this, not well documented, but you can read about it here

<div class="container">
  <h3>Tooltip Example</h3>
  <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Hooray!" role="tooltip">Hover over me</a>


Updated Plunker link



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