Return the closest date at a given date in R
My data frame consists of individual observations of individual animals. Each animal has a date of birth, which I would like to associate with the closest field date of the season from the date vector.
Here's a very simple reproducible example:
ID <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "a") # individual "a" is measured twice here
birthdate <- as.Date(c("2012-06-12", "2014-06-14", "2015-11-11", "2016-09-30", "2012-06-12"))
df <- data.frame(ID, birthdate)
# This is the date vector
season_enddates <- as.Date(c("2011-11-10", "2012-11-28", "2013-11-29", "2014-11-26", "2015-11-16", "2016-11-22", "2012-06-21", "2013-06-23", "2014-06-25", "2015-06-08", "2016-06-14"))
With the following code, I can get the difference between the date of birth and the closest season.
for(i in 1:length(df$birthdate)){
df$birthseason[i] <- which(abs(season_enddates-df$birthdate[i]) == min(abs(season_enddates-df$birthdate[i])))
However, I want it to be the actual date, not the difference. For example, the first birthseason should be 2012-06-21.
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This is a little confusing as you are using variables that you did not include in your examples.
But I think this is what you want:
for (ii in 1:nrow(df)) df$birthseason[ii] <-as.character(season_enddates[which.min(abs(df$birthdate[ii] - season_enddates))])
Alternatively, using lapply
df$birthseason <- unlist(lapply(df$birthdate,function(x) as.character(season_enddates[which.min(abs(x - season_enddates))])))
> df
ID birthdate birthseason
1 a 2012-06-12 2012-06-21
2 b 2014-06-14 2014-06-25
3 c 2015-11-11 2015-11-16
4 d 2016-09-30 2016-11-22
5 a 2012-06-12 2012-06-21
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You are looking for, which season_enddate
is closest to birthdate[1]
, and birthdate[2]
To get the data straight, I'll create a real reproducible example:
birthdate <- as.Date(c("2012-06-12", "2014-06-14",
"2015-11-11", "2016-09-30",
season_enddates <- as.Date(c("2011-11-10", "2012-11-28",
"2013-11-29", "2014-11-26",
"2015-11-16", "2016-11-22",
"2012-06-21", "2013-06-23",
"2014-06-25", "2015-06-08",
I mostly use the function you used, except I decided to break it down a bit, so it's easier for you to follow what you are trying to do:
new.vector <- rep(0, length(birthdate))
for(i in 1:length(birthdate)){
diffs <- abs(birthdate[i] - season_enddates)
inds <- which.min(diffs)
new.vector[i] <- season_enddates[inds]
# new.vector now contains some dates that have been converted to numbers:
as.Date(new.vector, origin = "1970-01-01")
# [1] "2012-06-21" "2014-06-25" "2015-11-16" "2016-11-22"
# [5] "2012-06-21"
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I suggested some changes for your question so that your example code creates all the variables needed to reproduce your problem. Please take a look and check that I understand your problem.
To solve this problem, I suggest using which.min
(your code is a little simpler and faster) in combination with a subset of your vector season_enddates
as shown below:
for(i in 1:length(younger$HatchCalendarYear)){
df$birthseasonDate[i] <- season_enddates[which.min(abs(season_enddates - df$birthdate[i]))]
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All solutions here are essentially the same. If you want you to have an optimized function for this operation, I would do this:
match_season <- function(x,y){
nx <- length(x)
ind <- numeric(nx)
for(i in seq_len(nx)){
ind[i] <- which.min(abs(x[i] - y))
Then you can simply do:
younger$birthseason <- match_season(younger$HatchDate, season_enddates)
Looks cleaner and gives the desired result in the correct format Date
start <- as.Date("1990-07-01")
end <- as.Date("2017-06-30")
birthdate <- sample(seq(start, end, by = "1 day"), 1000)
season_enddates <- seq(as.Date("1990-12-21"),
by = "3 months")
benchmark(match_season(birthdate, season_enddates),
columns = c("test","elapsed"))
gives a time of 7.62 seconds for 100 reps.
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useful in such cases. Location of the nearest one season_enddates
for each df$birthdate
vec = sort(season_enddates)
int = findInterval(df$birthdate, vec, all.inside = TRUE)
#[1] 1 5 8 10 1
we compare the distance from each of the closest dates of the interval and select the minimum:
ans = vec[int]
i = abs(df$birthdate - vec[int]) > abs(df$birthdate - vec[int + 1])
ans[i] = vec[int[i] + 1]
#[1] "2012-06-21" "2014-06-25" "2015-11-16" "2016-11-22" "2012-06-21"
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