How to get videos from RSS feed entries

I am trying to get video (urls) from feed url.

I am using Feedjira and MetaInspector in my application to retrieve and store articles along with images. Now I want to store video of articles, if any. Can someone please tell me what the best ways to store videos from articles might be.



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1 answer

I am doing this in my project to keep all urls found from rss feeds

Source.all.each do |source|
  feed = Feedjira::Feed.fetch_and_parse(source.url)
  feed.entries.each do |entry|
    unless Link.exists? url: entry.url
      Link.create!(title: entry.title,
        url: entry.url)


in my snippet, I only keep the URL and title, for the videos you just need to add


you can see the whole post tag from object feed.entries

or from rss.

and if you want to add other attributes, ex: media:thumbnail

you can add this code before the call fetch_and_parse

, but you need to call it once not every time you call fetch_and_parse

to avoid memory leak

Feedjira::Feed.add_common_feed_entry_element("media:thumbnail", :value => :url, :as => :pic)


then you can do entry.pic

to get a sketch sketch



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