MOQ: Throwing the exception that was passed to the method

I have a method on the interface:

void HandleError(MyClasss c, object o, Exception e);


I want to mock this with MOQ and any options throwing the supplied Exception e.

Something like:

_mock.Setup(a => a.HandlreError(It.IsAny<MyClass>(), It.IsAny<object>()
   , It.IsAny<Exception>())).Throws( [the 'any' exception] )



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1 answer

You can use a callback action that is called with parameters passed to the mocked object:

.Setup(a => a.HandlreError(It.IsAny<MyClass>(), It.IsAny<object>(), It.IsAny<Exception>()))
.Callback((MyClass c, object o, Exception e) => { throw e; });




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