Is there a more efficient way to calculate the cardinality set of an array?

This is my current implementation using bits:

Function Array_PowerSet(Self)
    Array_PowerSet = Array()
    PowerSetUpperBound = -1
    For Combination = 1 To 2 ^ (UBound(Self) - LBound(Self)) ' I don't want the null set
        Subset = Array()
        SubsetUpperBound = -1
        For NthBit = 0 To Int(WorksheetFunction.Log(Combination, 2))
            If Combination And 2 ^ NthBit Then
                SubsetUpperBound = SubsetUpperBound + 1
                ReDim Preserve Self(0 To SubsetUpperBound)
                Subset(SubsetUpperBound) = Self(NthBit)
            End If
        PowerSetUpperBound = PowerSetUpperBound + 1
        ReDim Preserve Array_PowerSet(0 To PowerSetUpperBound)
        Array_PowerSet(PowerSetUpperBound) = Subset
End Function


Please ignore the abuse of Variants. Array_Push

and Array_Size

must be understood.

I used to generate a binary string for each combination, but that involved calling another function, which was not very efficient.

Apart from using smaller options and moving external function calls internally, can this be done more efficiently?

EDIT: Here's a completely independent version.

Function Array_PowerSet(Self As Variant) As Variant
    Dim PowerSet() As Variant, PowerSetIndex As Long, Size As Long, Combination As Long, NthBit As Long
    PowerSetIndex = -1: Size = UBound(Self) - LBound(Self) + 1
    ReDim PowerSet(0 To 2 ^ Size - 2) ' Don't want null set

    For Combination = 1 To 2 ^ Size - 1
        Dim Subset() As Variant, SubsetIndex As Long: SubsetIndex = -1

        For NthBit = 0 To Int(WorksheetFunction.Log(Combination, 2))
            If Combination And 2 ^ NthBit Then
                SubsetIndex = SubsetIndex + 1
                ReDim Preserve Subset(0 To SubsetIndex)
                Subset(SubsetIndex) = Self(NthBit)
            End If

        PowerSetIndex = PowerSetIndex + 1
        PowerSet(PowerSetIndex) = Subset

    Array_PowerSet = PowerSet
End Function


And the test:

Dim Input_() As Variant, Output_() As Variant, Subset As Variant, Value As Variant
Input_ = Array(1, 2, 3)
Output_ = Array_PowerSet(Input_)

For Each Subset In Output_
    Dim StringRep As String: StringRep = "{"

    For Each Value In Subset
        StringRep = StringRep & Value & ", "

    Debug.Print Left$(StringRep, Len(StringRep) - 2) & "}"



source to share

2 answers

Since the number of subsets grows exponentially, none of the algorithms are truly efficient, although there is room for improvement in what you are doing:

ReDim Preserve

when used to expand an array with one element is ineffective as it involves creating a new array with 1 more space and then copying the old elements into the new array. Better to preallocate enough space and then crop it to size:

Function PowerSet(Items As Variant) As Variant
    'assumes that Items is a 0-based array
    'returns a 0-based jagged array of subsets of Items
    'where each subset is a 0-based array

    Dim PS As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, n As Long
    Dim subset As Variant

    n = 1 + UBound(Items) 'cardinality of the base set
    ReDim PS(0 To 2 ^ n - 2)
    For i = 1 To 2 ^ n - 1
        subset = Array()
        ReDim subset(0 To n - 1)
        k = -1 'will be highest used index of the subset
        For j = 0 To n - 1
            If i And 2 ^ j Then
                k = k + 1
                subset(k) = Items(j)
            End If
        Next j
        ReDim Preserve subset(0 To k)
        PS(i - 1) = subset
    Next i
    PowerSet = PS
End Function


Test function:

Sub test()
    Dim stuff As Variant, subsets As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    stuff = Array("a", "b", "c", "d")
    subsets = PowerSet(stuff)
    For i = LBound(subsets) To UBound(subsets)
        Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = "{" & Join(subsets(i), ",") & "}"
    Next i
End Sub




Using Collections to Build Your Kits is an option ...

Function Generator()
    Dim Arr() As Variant: Arr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
    Dim PSCol As Collection: Set PSCol = PowerSetCol(Arr)
    Dim SubSet As Collection, SubSetStr As String

    For i = 1 To PSCol.Count
        Set SubSet = PSCol.Item(i)
        SubSetStr = "{"
        For j = 1 To SubSet.Count
            SubSetStr = SubSetStr & SubSet.Item(j) & IIf(j = SubSet.Count, "", ", ")
        Next j
        SubSetStr = SubSetStr & "}"
        Debug.Print SubSetStr
    Next i
End Function

Function PowerSetCol(Arr As Variant) As Collection

    Dim n As Long, i As Long
    Dim Temp As New Collection, SubSet As Collection

    For i = 1 To 2 ^ (UBound(Arr) + 1) - 1
        Set SubSet = New Collection
        For n = 0 To UBound(Arr)
            If i And 2 ^ n Then SubSet.Add Arr(n)
        Next n
        Temp.Add SubSet
    Next i
    Set PowerSetCol = Temp
End Function


******* EDIT ********

It seems that accessing collections through an index is more intensive than enumeration through elements. Also; you cannot use the connection directly as @John Coleman pointed out, but it can use one line function.

Hopefully the below code is a better solution

Function Generator()
    Dim Arr() As Variant: Arr = Array(1, 2, 3, 4)
    Dim PSColl As Collection: Set PSColl = PowerSetColl(Arr)

    Dim Str As String, Coll As Collection, Item As Variant
    For Each Coll In PSColl
        Str = ""
        For Each Item In Coll
            Str = strJoin(", ", Str, CStr(Item))
        Next Item
        Debug.Print "{" & Str & "}"
    Next Coll
End Function

Function PowerSetColl(Arr As Variant) As Collection
    Dim Temp As New Collection, SubSet As Collection
    Dim n As Long, i As Long

    For i = 1 To 2 ^ (UBound(Arr) + 1) - 1
        Set SubSet = New Collection
        For n = 0 To UBound(Arr)
            If i And 2 ^ n Then SubSet.Add Arr(n)
        Next n
        Temp.Add SubSet
    Next i
    Set PowerSetColl = Temp
End Function

Function strJoin(Delimiter As String, Optional Str1 As String, Optional Str2 As String) As String
    strJoin = IIf(IsMissing(Str1) Or Str1 = "", Str2, IIf(IsMissing(Str2) Or Str2 = "", Str1, Str1 & Delimiter & Str2))
End Function




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