Getting name from nesting arrays from matching arrays

I have multiple arrays, and if they contain the same values, I would like to return the name of these arrays.

    var x = {
      "food": ['bacon', 'cheese', 'bread', 'tomato'],
      "utilities": ['plates', 'forks', 'spatulas'],
      "guests": ['john', 'matt', 'bill']
    y = ['bacon', 'tomato', 'forks'];

I have a variable x

and it has multiple arrays named either food

, or utilities

, or guests

. All it contains y

is some values ​​that are the same in some of these arrays in a variable x

. I need to return the name of the array, containing bacon

, tomato

and forks

in their arrays. Therefore, for this example, I need to return: ["food", "utilities"]


    function getContainerName (obj, values) {
      return Object.keys (obj) .find (function (key) {
        return values.every (value => obj [key] .find (function (elem) {
          return elem === value;
    console.log (getContainerName (x, y));

When you throw them through this function, I get an error *********

. How can I go and get the returned array ["food", "utilities"]



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3 answers

Simple reduce()

to Object.keys

complete the task

var x = {
    "food": ['bacon', 'cheese', 'bread', 'tomato'],
    "utilities": ['plates', 'forks', 'spatulas'],
    "guests": ['john', 'matt', 'bill']
  y = ['bacon', 'tomato', 'forks'];

let res = Object.keys(x).reduce((a, b) => {
  if (x[b].some(v => y.includes(v))) a.push(b);
  return a;
}, []);


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For your comment - with var and a normal function:

var res = Object.keys(x).reduce(function (a, b) {
    if (x[b].some(function (v) {
            return y.indexOf(v) !== -1;
        })) a.push(b);
    return a;
}, []);




You can Array # filter an array of Key # object using an array map y

and Array # some .

var x = {
  "food": ['bacon', 'cheese', 'bread', 'tomato'],
  "utilities": ['plates', 'forks', 'spatulas'],
  "guests": ['john', 'matt', 'bill']
var y = ['bacon', 'tomato', 'forks'];
var yMap = y.reduce(function(o, v) { // create a map to save iteration of y on each comparsion
  o[v] = true;

  return o;
}, {});

var result = Object.keys(x).filter(function(key) { // filter the keys
  return x[key].some(function(v) { // keep the key, if at least one item of the array is in the map
    return yMap[v];


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And ES6 version using Set :

const x = {
  "food": ['bacon', 'cheese', 'bread', 'tomato'],
  "utilities": ['plates', 'forks', 'spatulas'],
  "guests": ['john', 'matt', 'bill']
const y = ['bacon', 'tomato', 'forks'];
const ySet = new Set(y);

const result = Object.keys(x).filter((key) => x[key].some((item) => ySet.has(item)));


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You can do this using . filter () and . some () methods with : Object.keys()

function getContainerName(obj, values) {
  return Object.keys(obj).filter(function(key) {
    return y.some(function(v){
      return obj[key].indexOf(v) !== -1;



var x = {
    "food": ['bacon', 'cheese', 'bread', 'tomato'],
    "utilities": ['plates', 'forks', 'spatulas'],
    "guests": ['john', 'matt', 'bill']
  y = ['bacon', 'tomato', 'forks'];

function getContainerName(obj, values) {
  return Object.keys(obj).filter(function(key) {
    return y.some(function(v){
      return obj[key].indexOf(v) !== -1;
console.log(getContainerName(x, y));

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