Regex find specific words within a string
Well, I've searched and tested but don't know how to do the following:
I have this text:
| [C] β [G] β [Am] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]
=cu{a}nto he esp{e}rado este mo{m}ento
| [F] β [F] β [Dm] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]
And I need to find all words inside [], but only from the line starting with "|"
I know that using:
Find lines from start to end and using:
Will select all brackets and its contents, but I don't know how to say
Find this ^\|.*
and the result, apply this\[(.*?)\]
Why not step by step? because I would like to use preg_replace to wrap this word with HTML tags.
Am I even taking the right approach?
Many thanks.
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Since you are dealing with plain text, you can use the following regex on it:
See regex demo
More details
- either the end of the previous match (\G(?!\A)
matches both the beginning of the line and the end of the previous match, so the first position must be subtracted using a negative form(?!\A)
- not at the beginning of the line) or (|
) the beginning of the line (^
) followed by a letter|
) -
- zero or more characters besides[
, CR and LF (to remain in one line) -
- match the reset statement, omitting the text matched so far -
- a[
- any 0+ characters other than line break characters, as few as possible up to the first -
- letter]
Another approach is to use preg_replace_callback
with a regex that matches all strings starting with |
and replace all substrings inside the callback function [...]
preg_replace_callback('~^\|.+~m', function ($m) {
return preg_replace('~\[(.*?)]~', '<span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">'.$m[1]."</span>", $m[0]);
}, $s);
See PHP demo :
$s = <<<TXT
| [C] β [G] β [Am] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]
=cu{a}nto he esp{e}rado este mo{m}ento
| [F] β [F] β [Dm] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]
echo preg_replace_callback('~^\|.+~m', function ($m) {
return preg_replace('~\[(.*?)]~', '<span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">$1</span>', $m[0]);
}, $s);
| <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">C</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">G</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">Am</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">G</span>
=cu{a}nto he esp{e}rado este mo{m}ento
| <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="" title="">G</span>
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You seem to be targeting substrings between square brackets that follow |
or β
, so this is my pattern (with optional trailing space):
Pattern: /([|β] )\[([^]]+)\]( ?)/
Replacement: $1<span class="chord" data-original-title="$2" title="$2">$2</span>$3
PHP implementation: ( Demo )
| [C] β [G] β [Am] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]
=cu{a}nto he esp{e}rado este mo{m}ento
| [F] β [F] β [Dm] β [F] β [Dm] β [G]';
echo preg_replace('/([|β] )\[([^]]+)\]( ?)/','$1<span class="chord" data-original-title="$2" title="$2">$2</span>$3',$txt);
| <span class="chord" data-original-title="C" title="C">C</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="G" title="G">G</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="Am" title="Am">Am</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="F" title="F">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="Dm" title="Dm">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="G" title="G">G</span>
=cu{a}nto he esp{e}rado este mo{m}ento
| <span class="chord" data-original-title="F" title="F">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="F" title="F">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="Dm" title="Dm">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="F" title="F">F</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="Dm" title="Dm">Dm</span> β <span class="chord" data-original-title="G" title="G">G</span>
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