How to access history object in Jest

I have an if condition that looks like this:

if (history.state !== null && history.state.query)


The problem is, although it doesn't work in Jest, as it history

is an empty object in my tests.

What do I need to do in my tests to use the object history

? I am running this with React on a Node.js server. Not sure if this matters, but I'm using React Router as well.

Test case:

beforeEach(() => { = jest.fn(); = jest.fn(); = jest.fn();

it('should set up props from history state', () => {
  let location = {
    pathname: '/explore',
    query: {
      query: 'yahoo',

  global.history = { state: { query: 'google'} };

  const wrapper = mount(
    <LandingPage location={location} />

  console.log("global.history.state: " + global.history.state); // prints null


Part of a component (cannot fit the whole component):

if (props.location && props.location.pathname === '/explore') {
  explorePath = true;
  skipIntro = true;
  explore = true;

  /* checks if history.state is not equal to null
   * if check passes, search query and results will appear
  if (history.state !== null && history.state.query) {
    currentValue = history.state.query;
    employeeMin = history.state.eMin;
    employeeMax = history.state.eMax;
    revenueMin = history.state.rMin;
    revenueMax = history.state.rMax;
} else {
  explore = skipIntro;



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3 answers

You need to use createMemoryStore

so createMemoryStore


as follows:

import React from 'react'
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history'

import Page from '../Page'

describe('<Page />', () => {
  it('should render correctly', () => {
    const history = createMemoryHistory('/dashboard')
    const renderedComponent = shallow(
      <Page history={history} />





This worked for my scenario, which is similar to yours.

beforeAll(() => {
  window.history.replaceState({query: 'google'}, 'MOCK');




My way of solving this problem is to emulate the history API completely, because JSDom doesn't support the history API either. There is a part of my JSDomTestWrapper class and it is very special to my project, although you can steal some ideas :)



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