I am trying to use two-way binding in Angular 4. He...">

Cannot assign only the "dataChange" property of a read only object # # ValidationComponent>

I am trying to use two-way binding in Angular 4. Here is my component code:

    selector: 'form-validation',
    templateUrl: './form.validation.template.html',
    encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None

export class ValidationComponent {

    @Input() data;

    @Output dataChange = new EventEmitter();




But when I try to use it on something like this:

<form-validation [(data)]="data"></form-validation>


I am getting this error on Chrome console:

Cannot assign to read only property 'dataChange' of object '#<ValidationComponent>'


A property data

is an array of a specific type, but even if I report that type or initialize the property, an error occurs.


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