How can I understand sess.as_default () and sess.graph.as_default ()?

I have read the docs sess.as_default ()

NB The default session is a property of the current thread. If you are creating a new thread and want to use the default session on that thread, you must explicitly add a using sess.as_default (): in this thread function.

I understand that if there are two more sessions when creating a new flow, we have to establish a session to run the TensorFlow code. So, for this, a session is selected and called as_default()


NB Entering a with sess.as_default (): block does not affect the current default chart. If you are using multiple graphs and sess.graph is different from tf.get_default_graph, you must explicitly type a with sess.graph.as_default (): block to make sess.graph the default graph.

In a block sess.as_default()

, in order to call a specific graph, do you need to call sess.graph.as_default()

to launch the chart?


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1 answer

The tf.Session API mentions that the chart is started in a session. The following code illustrates this:

import tensorflow as tf

graph1 = tf.Graph()
graph2 = tf.Graph()

with graph1.as_default() as graph:
  a = tf.constant(0, name='a')
  graph1_init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with graph2.as_default() as graph:
  a = tf.constant(1, name='a')
  graph2_init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()

sess1 = tf.Session(graph=graph1)
sess2 = tf.Session(graph=graph2)

# Both tensor names are a!
print('a:0'))) # prints 0
print('a:0'))) # prints 1

with sess1.as_default() as sess:
  print('a:0'))) # prints 0

with sess2.as_default() as sess:
  print('a:0'))) # prints 1

with graph2.as_default() as g:
  with sess1.as_default() as sess:
    print(tf.get_default_graph() == graph2) # prints True
    print(tf.get_default_session() == sess1) # prints True

    # This is the interesting line
    print('a:0'))) # prints 0
    print('a:0'))) # fails

print(tf.get_default_graph() == graph2) # prints False
print(tf.get_default_session() == sess1) # prints False


You don't need to call sess.graph.as_default()

to run the chart, but you need to get the correct tensors or operations on the chart to run it. Context allows you to get a graph or session using tf.get_default_graph

or tf.get_default_session


The interesting line above is the default session sess1

and it implicitly calls sess1.graph

which is the graph in sess1

which is graph1

, and therefore it prints 0.

On the line following it, it fails because it tries to perform the operation graph2

with sess1




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