Java Cucumber: Take @CucumberOptions from external source as properties file
Can cucumber option values ββbe used from file?
In this SO post, it shows that it is being passed from the CLI.
Here's my sample class:
features = {"resources/features/"},
glue = {"classpath:com/"},
tags = {"@foo, @bar"}
public class UITestRunner {
Instead of hardcoding the tags here, I would like to grab it from a properties file. Any help is appreciated!
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Cucumbers first look for arguments provided cucumber.api.cli.Main
But you can override them by providing (in this particular order):
- OS environment variable
- Java system property
- Java resource bundle
with propertycucumber.options
As soon as one of the above options is found, it will be used. Overrides are provided in a variable (or property) named cucumber.options
. All values ββother than plugin arguments will override the values ββsupplied by cucumber.api.cli.Main
or @CucumberOptions
. Plugin option will add to plugins specified by cucumber.api.cli.Main
or @CucumberOptions
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Hope you know that when running from the command line you can use the system properties
mvn test -Dcucumber.options="--features resources/features/ --tags ~@ignore" -Dtest=AnimalsTest
This means that you can programmatically set these properties:
public class CatsRunner {
public static void before() {
System.setProperty("cucumber.options", "--features resources/features/ --tags ~@ignore");
Hope this gives you some ideas. For example, you can manually read the properties from a file and then achieve what you want.
Edit: Obviously this doesn't work. So here is my next idea, implement your own JUnit Cucumber runner by extending the class Cucumber
. See this for an example . Therefore, you must have complete control in the constructor.
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I solved this by expanding the cucumber ranch. You can find examples here:
For cucumber-jvm 4.0.0:
For Cucumber-JVM 2.4.0:
The key part, as discussed in some of the answers and comments, is setting the system property cucumber.options
String cucumberOptions =
"--tags @"
+ " --glue io.github.martinschneider.yasew.steps --glue "
+ getProperty(STEPS_PACKAGE_KEY)
+ " --plugin pretty --plugin html:report --plugin json:"
+ "/cucumber.json"
+ " "
+ getProperty(FEATURES_DIRECTORY_KEY);"Setting cucumber options ({}) to {}", CUCUMBER_OPTIONS_KEY, cucumberOptions);
System.setProperty(CUCUMBER_OPTIONS_KEY, cucumberOptions);
I'm using a setup with Spring and JUnit and I'm not sure if there is a better place to put this code.
Runner rewriting isn't very elegant, but it works like a charm!
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I do like this: -
#cucumber.options=--plugin html:output/cucumber-html-report
cucumber.options.feature =src/test/resources html:output/cucumber-html-report
Java Class:
Method to load properties file: -
private static void loadPropertiesFile(){ InputStream input = null; try{ String filename = ""; input = CreateCucumberOptions.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename); if(input==null){ LOGGER.error("Sorry, unable to find " + filename); return; } prop.load(input); }catch(IOException e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ if(input!=null) { try { input.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
method for getting and setting CucumberOptions
private String createAndGetCucumberOption(){ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String featureFilesPath = prop.getProperty("cucumber.options.feature");" featureFilesPath: " +featureFilesPath); String htmlOutputReport = prop.getProperty("");" htmlOutputReport: " +htmlOutputReport); sb.append(htmlOutputReport); sb.append(" "); sb.append(featureFilesPath); return sb.toString(); } private void setOptions(){ String value = createAndGetCucumberOption();" Value: " +value); System.setProperty(KEY, value); }
And the main method to run: -
public static void main(String[] args) {
CreateCucumberOptions cucumberOptions = new CreateCucumberOptions();
JUnitCore junitRunner = new JUnitCore();
And RunGwMLCompareTests.class is my Cucumber class
monochrome = true,
tags = {"@passed"},
glue = "cucumberTest.steps")
public class RunGwMLCompareTests {
public RunGwMLCompareTests(){
So basically you get a bunch of release reports and function folders through properties files and other parameters like the java class for defining the glue. And to run test cases, just run your main class.
Best regards, Vikram Patrania
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