Kubernetes Web UI (Dashboard) does not display graphs

I installed Docker v17.06-ce on 2 junior nodes plus master node and Kubernetes with Kubeadm v1.7.0. Then I deployed the web interface (Dashboard) with kubectl create -f https://git.io/kube-dashboard

and changed the type to NodePort with kubectl edit service kubernetes-dashboard -n kube-system


I can access it, but its missing CPU / memory usage graphs. So I followed the instructions from the missing UU (Dashboard) graphs for Kuberenets to deploy heapster and influxdb, but I still can't see the graphs ...

What will go wrong?

UPDATE: Checking the logs kubectl logs heapster-2994581613-m28hh --namespace=kube-system

I've found these errors repeatedly:

E0717 09:14:05.000881       7 kubelet.go:271] No nodes received from APIserver.
E0717 09:14:05.947260       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/node_autoscaling_enricher.go:100: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959150       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:319: Failed to list *api.Pod: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods)
E0717 09:14:05.959254       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:327: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959888       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/sources/kubelet/kubelet.go:342: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:05.959995       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/namespace_based_enricher.go:84: Failed to list *api.Namespace: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get namespaces)
E0717 09:14:06.957399       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/node_autoscaling_enricher.go:100: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.965155       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/sources/kubelet/kubelet.go:342: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.965166       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:327: Failed to list *api.Node: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get nodes)
E0717 09:14:06.966403       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/heapster.go:319: Failed to list *api.Pod: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get pods)
E0717 09:14:06.966964       7 reflector.go:203] k8s.io/heapster/metrics/processors/namespace_based_enricher.go:84: Failed to list *api.Namespace: the server does not allow access to the requested resource (get namespaces)


Any idea?


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1 answer

you need to set up a heap container. try installing that and check.

Also install rbac.

kubectl  create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/heapster/master/deploy/kube-config/rbac/heapster-rbac.yaml

kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/heapster/master/deploy/kube-config/influxdb/heapster.yaml




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