Returning the Google EMM API. Subscriber is not registered as MDM

Now I am testing Google EMM Apis and I am trying to create a registration url for enterprise registration.

scopes = ['']

credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(
    'my_key.json', scopes)
http_auth = credentials.authorize(Http())

API = 'androidenterprise'
VERSION = 'v1'
SERVICE =, VERSION, http=http_auth)

response ='').execute()


However, I receive a 403 Denied Response Code with the following message: "The caller is not registered as MDM."

Android for Work is enabled in the Google Admin Console.

I have also applied for the EMM community:

One week and still no answer yet. But is this related to my problem?


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1 answer

To perform enterprise operations, you need to use the main Google EMM API service account. This is the account that you have registered as a Google provider. It is registered by a human and this process cannot be completed automatically online.



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