Passing a value between Angular Components via a function to overlay trigger dialogs

In my Angular app, I have a component with a function that opens a dialog overlay. I am trying to figure out how to pass some data from the original component to this dialog component (EnrollingProcessComponent). It is not a parent-child relationship, so I cannot use the Input () or [] binding.

Also, since multiple instances can cause problems that I won't go into, we don't use a service to receive and exchange data between components. So I cannot inject the service to get the same instance in the dialog component (EnrollingProcessComponent).

So all that said, I need to somehow pass this data (it's just an email address) from the original component to the dialog component. I suppose I can do this by passing it as a parameter, but so far I can't get it to work (i.e. when I console the value in the original component, I get the value. By consoling this value in the dialog component (EnrollingProcessComponent), I get 'undefined').

I am using the click () event to open a dialog component:

<button *ngIf="canBeEnrolled()" md-menu-item 
  <span class="md-menu-text">Initiate Contact</span>


And the called function looks like this:

public onContactClicked(primaryContactEmail): void {
    primaryContactEmail = this.getPrimaryContactEmail();
    console.log('onContactClicked engaged on: ' + new Date());
    // Create dialog
    let dialogRef: MdDialogRef<EnrollingProcessComponent>
        =, {disableClose: true});


How do I pass the result of getPrimaryContactEmail (), which is the email address, from the original component to the component that is launched when the dialog is opened?


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1 answer

You can pass values ​​to a component instance via a data

parameter property MdDialogConfig

, for example:

primaryContactEmail = this.getPrimaryContactEmail();

let dialogRef: MdDialogRef<EnrollingProcessComponent>
    =, {
            disableClose: true,
            data: { primaryContactEmail: primaryContactEmail }


Then you need to inject MD_DIALOG_DATA into the component EnrollingProcessComponent

, which will allow you to access any passed data, in this case, a property named primaryContactEmail


import {MdDialogRef, MD_DIALOG_DATA} from '@angular/material';

  selector: 'example-dialog',
  templateUrl: 'example-dialog.html',
export class DialogResultExampleDialog {
      public dialogRef: MdDialogRef<DialogResultExampleDialog>, 
      @Inject(MD_DIALOG_DATA) public data: any) {


Here is a plunker demonstrating the functionality. Check the console when you open the dialog to see the data that can be logged.

If you need to pass a value back to the parent component, you can use md-dialog-close

or close()

to return the value.

I added closing the dialog from the component via close(value: any)

and passing the value to the parent calling component. Ignore the initial boot errors that were present in the base unmodified example.

Hope this helps!



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