Why is the parameter b of type a in this example?

I am researching an ethereal library and noticed this

 type Lens<'a,'b> =
    ('a -> 'b) * ('b -> 'a -> 'a)

 static member (^=) (Set, (_, s): Lens<'a,'b>) =
            fun (b: 'b) ->
                s b : 'a -> 'a


In the function ^ =, b the if parameter is of type b in the lambda. However, in the body of lamda, why b is type 'now?


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2 answers

However, in the body of lamda, why b is type 'now?

This is not true.


is the input that is typed 'b

as shown in fun (b: 'b) ->


We can rewrite this element without a match and use a locally defined function like:

static member (^=) (Set, lens: Lens<'a,'b>) =
    // Pattern match to extract out the 2nd portion of the lens, which is a function: 'b -> 'a -> 'a
    let (_,s) = lens

    // Define a function that takes a 'b and returns a new function of type: 'a -> 'a
    let fn (b: 'b) : 'a -> 'a =
        s b // this just partially applies s with the input "b"
    fn // Return the function


Basically, (Set, (_,s))

in the argument list, bind the "s" to the second part Lens<'a,'b>

or via a function ('b -> 'a -> 'a)

. Above, I broke this to be more explicit and did this extraction in my own binding.

The member then returns a locally defined function (as a lambda). I rewrote this above using the bind function, as it often becomes clearer.



I think you are just reading the syntax wrong. Code s b : 'a -> 'a

does not mean it b

has a type 'a


The correct way to read it is to split it into two parts: the part before the colon is the expression, and the part after the colon is the type of that expression.

So the code s b : 'a -> 'a

actually means it s b

has a type 'a -> 'a

. He doesn't say anything about types s

or b




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