How do I make my branch the same as its corresponding remote branch?

This post follows my previous post on git pull: Git: What EXACTLY does "git pull" do?

Let's say that I want to do a "git pull" to a specific branch, and I want my local copy of that branch to be IDENTICAL to the remote copy of the remote. How to do it?


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4 answers

Assuming you are already on the branch in question (and it is tracking upstream correctly), the simplest way is

git fetch && git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD


In this case, a special FETCH_HEAD

ref is used, so you don't need to type in the name of the upstream branch or whatever.



This should do the trick:

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/{insert branch name}
git clean -fd


If you want it to really be the same, including removing gitignored, use git clean -fdx




Git pull always does two things.

1) fetches the remote repository
2) either makes a rebase or a merge


So the best option for removing local changes is fetching and then resetting your local branch to the origin / branch



Once selected with git fetch

, will git reset @{u}

set the branch to point upstream. git reset --hard @{u}

will additionally check that the revision version continually discards any changes to tracked files in your working directory .

If you also want to discard untracked files, you can do this in bash like this:

bash -c '
  shopt -s dotglob extglob
  rm -rf !(.git)
  git reset --hard @{u}'




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