Pandas read csv dataframe data lines from a specific date and time

I have a data file from a CSV file like this:

0        12/7/2017 8:00
1        12/7/2017 7:00
2        12/7/2017 6:00
3        12/7/2017 5:00
4        12/7/2017 4:00
5        12/7/2017 3:00
6        12/7/2017 2:00
7        12/7/2017 1:00
8        12/7/2017 0:00
9       11/7/2017 23:00
10      11/7/2017 22:00
9996     3/12/2015 6:00
9997     3/12/2015 5:00
9998     3/12/2015 4:00
9999     3/12/2015 3:00
Name: TimeStamp, Length: 10000, dtype: object


I am trying to use Pandas

to read data from a specific date and time, for example from 11/7/2017 8:00

to 12/7/2017 8:00


I tried using methods Boolean mask

, DatetimeIndex

and .Between

, and it was reading data from this range both from 2016 and 2015. Here are my codes,

import pandas as pd

eurusd = pd.read_csv('fxhistoricaldata_EURUSD_hour.csv')
eurusd = eurusd[(eurusd['TimeStamp'] >= '11/7/2017 8:00') & 
(eurusd['TimeStamp'] <= '12/7/2017 8:00')]



or using .between,

eurusd = eurusd[eurusd['TimeStamp'].between('11/7/2017 8:00', '12/7/2017 8:00')]


Results as such,

2        12/7/2017 6:00
3        12/7/2017 5:00
4        12/7/2017 4:00
5        12/7/2017 3:00
6        12/7/2017 2:00
7        12/7/2017 1:00
8        12/7/2017 0:00
23       11/7/2017 9:00
24       11/7/2017 8:00
513     12/6/2017 23:00
514     12/6/2017 22:00
515     12/6/2017 21:00
516     12/6/2017 20:00
517     12/6/2017 19:00
518     12/6/2017 18:00
519     12/6/2017 17:00
520     12/6/2017 16:00
521     12/6/2017 15:00
522     12/6/2017 14:00
523     12/6/2017 13:00
524     12/6/2017 12:00
525     12/6/2017 11:00
8827     12/2/2016 5:00
8828     12/2/2016 4:00
8829     12/2/2016 3:00
Name: TimeStamp, Length: 305, dtype: object


Can anyone help me fix my problem or is there any function that can help me accomplish my task? Any help is greatly appreciated!


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2 answers

You need to make sure that eurusd['TimeStamp']

is a series with a dtype datetime64[ns]


eurusd['TimeStamp'] = pd.to_datetime(eurusd['TimeStamp'])


Create a boolean mask:

mask = (eurusd['TimeStamp'] > start_date) & (eurusd['TimeStamp'] <= end_date)


Now reinstall (or whatever you want to do with the output):

eurusd = eurusd.loc[mask]




You can do it with the datetime and dateutil libraries:

from dateutil import parser
from datetime import datetime

df['TimeStamp'] = df['TimeStamp'].apply(lambda x: parser.parse(x))

df[(df['TimeStamp'] < datetime(2017, 12, 7)) & (df['TimeStamp']> datetime(2015, 3, 12))] #or whichever dates you're looking for




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