How to write a Django ORM pre-request

To keep things simple, let's say I have StockIOLog models.

class StockIOLog(models.Model):
    pid = models.IntegerField()
    name= models.CharField(max_length=50)
    type= models.IntegerField()
    stock = models.IntegerField()


It contains the following data:

pid  |   name  |  batch | type  | quantity
1    |   Napa  |  AB    | 0     | 100
1    |   Napa  |  AA    | 0     | 100
2    |   Amod  |  AA    | 0     | 100
2    |   Amod  |  CA    | 0     | 100
1    |   Napa  |  AB    | 1     | 10
1    |   Napa  |  AB    | 1     | 5
1    |   Napa  |  AA    | 1     | 20
2    |   Amod  |  AA    | 1     | 10
2    |   Amod  |  AA    | 1     | 50
2    |   Amod  |  CA    | 1     | 5
2    |   Amod  |  CA    | 1     | 15


type 0 means the product was purchased, type 1 means the product was consumed. Now I want to calculate the total stock of each product in order.

By running the following SQL query

SELECT pid, name, batch, SUM(in) - SUM(out) as stock FROM (
   SELECT pid, name, type SUM(quantity) as in, 0 as out from `qset` WHERE type=0 GROUP BY pid,type,batch as a 
   SELECT pid, name, type 0 as in, SUM(quantity) as out from `qset` WHERE type=1 GROUP BY pid,type,batch as b
) ac table_a


I am getting the following request

pid  |   name  |  batch | stock
1    |   Napa  |  AB    | 85
1    |   Napa  |  AA    | 80
2    |   Amod  |  AA    | 40
2    |   Amod  |  CA    | 80


How to do similar things in django ORM?


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1 answer

This may not be the best answer, but you can get purchased

it consumed

in the dictionary as well by doing the following query

from django.db.models import When, F, IntegerField, Sum, Count
from .models import StockIOLog

values = (StockIOLog.objects.all().values("pid", "name", "batch").annotate(
    purchased=Sum(Case(When(type=1, then=F("stock")),
    consumed=Sum(Case(When(type=0, then=F("stock")),




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