TypeScript promise constructor declaration

I was answering this question when I noticed strange behavior in the TypeScript declaration of the Promise constructor:

import * as Bluebird from 'bluebird'

interface PromiseConstructor {
    new <R>(callback: (resolve: (thenableOrResult?: R | PromiseLike<R>) => void, reject: (error?: any) => void, onCancel?: (callback: () => void) => void) => void): Bluebird<R>;

declare var Promise: PromiseConstructor;

// This works:
const x: PromiseLike<any> = new Promise<any>((a,b) => void 0);

// This does not work:
import('jquery').then($ => {

// This doesn't work either:
async function test() {
  return "";


As you can see, I declare a constructor and it allows me to build a promise and it doesn't blame it for not being a PromiseLike type. But I cannot use async functions or lazy imports. The compiler Version 2.5.0-dev.20170629

blames this message twice:

test.ts (13,1): error TS2712: "Promise" constructor is required to dynamically call imports in ES5 / ES3. Make sure you have a declaration for the "Promise" constructor, or include "ES2015" in your -lib option.

How do I declare a PromiseConstructor like this?


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