Editing an entry in a list dynamically defining child properties with VueJS

With VueJS, I am trying to create a generic component that will work with different post types.

For example, let's say I have user records:

var users = [
  { UserID: 1, username: "pan",email:"peter.pan@neverland.com" },
  { UserID: 2, username: "john",email:"john.doe@somewhere.com" }


And group records

var groups = [
    { GroupId: 1, groupName: "Users", description: "Lorem ipsum ..." },
    { GroupId: 2, groupName: "Admins", description: "Some people with super powers" }


I want to create a Vue component to edit these posts, so it can be defined as such:

<record-editor v-bind:record="user[0]" title="Edit user">
  <text-editor label="User name" property="username"></text-editor>
  <text-editor label="Email" property="email"></text-editor>

<!-- For the binding syntax, I am not sure what should 
     I use to bind to a record in the lists shown before -->

<record-editor v-bind:record="groups[0]" title="Edit group"> 
  <text-editor label="groupName" property="groupName"></text-editor>
  <text-editor label="Description" property="description"></text-editor>


Right now, I have:

(function() {
    var textEditor = Vue.component('text-editor', {
        template: "#text-editor",
        props: ['label', 'property']

    var recordEditor= Vue.component('record-editor', {
        template: '#model-editor',
        props: ['title', 'record']

    var vue = new Vue({
      data: {
        users : users,
        groups: groups

<template id="text-editor">
        <label v-bind:for="property">{{label}}</label>

        <!-- need help figuring what to put in v-bind:value -->
        <input type="text" v-bind:name="property" 

<template id="record-editor">


So basically what I am missing is how to bin the items in the list to edit them.

And how can I dynamically define properties for subcomponents (text editor).


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1 answer

You can do what you want with scoped and v-model

. Here's a working example.


var users = [
  { UserID: 1, username: "pan",email:"peter.pan@neverland.com" },
  { UserID: 2, username: "john",email:"john.doe@somewhere.com" }

var groups = [
    { GroupId: 1, groupName: "Users", description: "Lorem ipsum ..." },
    { GroupId: 2, groupName: "Admins", description: "Some people with super powers" }

var textEditor = Vue.component('text-editor', {
  template: "#text-editor",
  props: ['label', 'value'],
      get(){ return this.value},
      set(v){this.$emit("input", v)}

var recordEditor= Vue.component('record-editor', {
  template: '#record-editor',
  props: ['title', 'record']

var vue = new Vue({
  data: {
    users : users,
    groups: groups

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.2.6/dist/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
  <record-editor v-bind:record="users[0]" title="Edit user">
    <template scope="{record}">
    <text-editor label="User name" v-model="record.username"></text-editor>
    <text-editor label="Email" v-model="record.email"></text-editor>

<template id="text-editor">
        <input type="text" v-model="property">

<template id="record-editor">
            <slot :record="record"></slot>

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I removed the label and id that you did in a text editor, primarily because the email address is an invalid id for the input element. Essentially I've updated yours text-editor

to work with v-model

, which will replace your binding property

. A scoped slot is required because you are defining the model you want to change to record-editor

. A scoped slot allows you to transfer data from the enclosing scope to the contained components.



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