Spring or Spring Boot

As part of a new web application project, I am planning to learn Spring. I started reading links to Spring frameworks. While I was googling I came across Spring boot. What I figured out is that spring boot helps build applications much faster than spring boot by reducing configuration. Now I'm a bit at a loss as to whether I should keep exploring spring or hop onto spring boots. My intention is to understand how spring works as a framework, not multiple functions. So please let me know, as a beginner, what should I do? Learn Spring first and then Spring Boot or vice versa.


Okay, I've known this for a while since I asked this question. I kind of have an answer (personal)

I started with Spring Boot and have created one Spring Boot REST application so far. Yes, as others have said, Spring Boot helps you get started quickly and as a newbie to some languages ​​/ technologies I would like to see the module working as soon as possible. So Spring Boot will help you with that. Later, depending on your interest, you can start an in-depth study of how Spring boot does this magic.

So, in conclusion, move on to Spring Boot and then dive deep to understand the basic concept. Again, this is my opinion.

Thanks everyone for your input / suggestions.


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3 answers

Let me first answer the question what is spring boot and spring framework.

When you say spring framework there is a lot of stuff in it. Just name a few, spring Core, spring Security, spring Data, spring Cloud, spring Social, etc. All this helps you create world-class enterprise applications.

On the other hand, spring Boot is another framework as part of the spring Framework that helps you build and package your spring applications. Please note that spring boot does not do any coding, but packages your applications for deployment very nicely.

One of the biggest nightmares for spring developers is maintaining the massive amount of configuration required for applications. So spring Boot fits this gap, eliminating any effort required to configure applications. Yes, you don't even need to write a single XML configuration line using spring Boot.

Finally, if you are using spring Boot, you are packaging spring applications. Obviously, this requires knowledge of spring.



If you want to develop web applications, especially micro services, I recommend that you learn Spring Boot first.

  • The first reason is that there are many resources and examples on the web, so you can easily find what you need.
  • The second reason is that the Spring Framework (including Spring Boot) is suitable for PaaS frameworks, especially Pivotal. Therefore, you can quickly deploy your applications effortlessly.


First of all, learn how Spring applications work.


Spring is based on the Object Binding Model. You need to understand annotations and why we use them. Next, you need to learn how Spring MVC works. Here, like Spring and Spring Boot. Basically, Spring Boot is designed in such a way that a Spring application can be made very easy. Spring Boot is a very good framework for the web and others.

After learning the above things, you can easily upgrade to Spring Boot. However, if you go directly to Spring Boot, you will see that there are many such things that are not covered in the Spring Boot tutorials, as many of them expect you to have some prior knowledge of Spring.



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