Common Lisp Rankable / Sortable Enumerations

I wonder if there is any trick or library to get ratings in Common Lisp.

In general I define a set of enums like this

(deftype weekdays()
    '(member :sunday :monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday))


Of course, I can compare two variables containing the same day of the week, for example. if both contain: Wednesday.

But I want to compare two different weekdays like "Is: thursday later than: monday"? This brings me back to constants

(defconstant +sunday+ 0)
(defconstant +monday+ 1)
and so on...


but that seems to be bad style.

What's the best practice for this?


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1 answer

If you define items in a separate list, you can simply compare them by position:

(defparameter *days*
  '(:sunday :monday :tuesday :wednesday :thursday :friday :saturday)
  "Keywords indicating days of the week.")

(deftype day ()
  "Type representing days.  A day is an element of the list *DAYS*."
  `(member ,@*days*))

(defun day< (day1 day2)
  "Returns true if DAY1 is earlier in the week than DAY2, according to
the order specified in *DAYS*."
  (< (position day1 *days*)
     (position day2 *days*)))


(typep :monday 'day) ;=> T
(typep :fooday 'day) ;=> NIL

(day< :monday :friday) ;=> T
(day< :thursday :tuesday) ;=> NIL




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