Sending soapy XML with VBA

When using SoapUI 5.3, I can send the request successfully using the Query Editor (to the web service). I am trying to send a file using Excel VBA, but I cannot determine if it is done correctly or not.

I am using the VBA code below but only have 1 day of XML experience. I think the problem might be in the prologue or the header, but I'm not sure what it should be as there is no header in the request in the SoapUI. I have a link to Microsoft XML 6.0 suite.

Sub SendXMLtoSAA()
    Dim myHTTP As New MSXML2.XMLHTTP60
    Dim myDom As New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
    Dim myXML As String

    ''myDom.LoadXML (myXML)
    myDom.Load "C:\Users\me\Desktop\test.xml"
    myHTTP.Open "post", myServer, False

    myHTTP.send (myDom.XML)
    MsgBox myHTTP.responseText    
End Sub


I added <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

to the beginning of the XML code, but no matter what values ​​are in the fields, I get the same responsetext

and don't know if it was "Added" correctly and if the values ​​are acceptable, Should I be looking for some other value?

EDIT . It looks like it myHTTP.responseText

shows the original xml webservice.

RE-Edit : This is because I didn't remove the wsdl from the server link.

The other code I posted below was incomplete and unnecessary, so I removed it so others would not confuse it.

Thanks to everyone who looked at this for me.


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1 answer

Well, I said that I had no experience with XML, and that it was not easy to prove it.

For the server, I ended up with this

, but I had to remove the wsdl from it and only

Another stumbling block was the variable type for myHTTP. I had it like MSXML2.XMLHTTP60

, but I believe it blocks the response as a security measure for cookies. After making changes to it WinHttp.WinHttpRequest

, it looks like this is the trick.



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