Why doesn't tryCatch return any warnings when asked to produce them?

Check out the following example:

expect_warning(tryCatch(stop("Error!"), error = function(e) warning(e)))
## Error: tryCatch(stop("Error!"), error = function(e) warning(e)) showed 0 warnings
## In addition: Warning message:
## In doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) : Error!


Why does the test say there were no warnings?

Using the function withWarnings

discussed here
also doesn't show any warnings. Why tryCatch

doesn't it display a warning if asked?


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1 answer

You have created nested calls doTryCatch

and withCallingHandlers

. The problem is that e

it is not a symbol, but an object simpleError

(which contains another call doTryCatch

). The following several work, but show the actual context in which the warning was raised:

tryCatch(stop("Error!"), error = function(e) warning(e[[1]]))
#Warning message:
#In value[[3L]](cond) : Error!
expect_warning(tryCatch(stop("Error!"), error = function(e) warning(e[[1]])))
#no further output




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