Notify when gpio value is changed

I am currently trying to poll the gpio value with a shell script only.

Basically I developed a script with a test file before using / sys / class / gpio / gpioxx / value

This is the solution I found:


SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))

while true
    inotifywait -qq -e modify $FILE_NAME
    read val < $FILE_NAME
    echo $val
    ### do something here ###


This works with the base file, but I have two problems with this solution.

1 - The "modify" event is fired when the file is saved, not when the contents of the file have changed. So if I write the same value in the file, the event is triggered, but it shouldn't.

2 - I repeated that this solution does not work for gpios if I use a simple ascii file it works, but when I use inotifywait on / sys / class / gpio / gpioxx / value it depends.

If I use echo value> / sys / class / gpio / gpioxx / value the event is detected, but if I configure the pin as input and connect it to 3v3 or 0V nothing is triggered.

Does anyone know how I can trigger this change using only scripts?


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3 answers

This is a tight loop solution (which is more resource intensive), but will do the trick if you don't get anything better:

gpio_value=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio82/value)
while true; do
  value=$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio82/value)
  if [[ $gpio_value != $value ]]; then
    echo "$(date +'%T.%N') value changed to $gpio_value"


Output example:

13:09:52.527811324 value changed to 1
13:09:52.775153524 value changed to 0
13:09:55.439330380 value changed to 1
13:09:55.711569164 value changed to 0
13:09:56.211028463 value changed to 1
13:09:57.082968491 value changed to 0


I am using it for debugging.

Actually, I usually use this one-liner more often:

printf " Press any key to stop...\n GPIO value:   " ; until $(read -r -t 0 -n 1 -s key); do printf "\033[2D$(cat /sys/class/gpio/gpio82/value) " ; done ; echo


Again, for debugging purposes.



From linux/Documentation/gpio/gpio-legacy.txt


          ... reads as either "none", "rising", "falling", or
          "both". Write these strings to select the signal edge(s)
          that will make poll(2) on the "value" file return.


So you can do:

echo input > /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/direction
echo both > /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/edge


Now you need to find the command that calls poll

(or pselect

) on /sys/class/gpio/gpioN/value

. (I will update my answer if I find it)



You can use libgpiod which provides some useful tools for monitoring GPIOs. However, you need to use the new GPIO API available from Linux 4.8.



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