Keep the then () catch () format when using Prettier JS

I just started using the PrettierJS Plugin for VSCode and I am looking for a way to store my code for my service calls (and subsequent Promises).

I know you can add comments //prettier-ignore

just before the code block to preserve the code template, but since I am doing this throughout my application, I don’t want to add this comment line everywhere.

Right now, my code block looks like this:

       return this.thingService.addThing(newThing)


But when I do the Prettier format command, I get this:

    return this.accessData.addRight(newRight).then(wonAddAccessRight).catch(lostAddAccessRight);


I want my code blocks to change without using comments //prettier-ignore



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1 answer

Prettier now automatically chunks three or more functions on separate lines (the current version as I write is 1.9.1), so the formatting is slightly different from what the OP asked:

return this.accessData


But if you want to make it break if you only have 2 functions, there is a hack that should add a comment and Prettier will automatically break it:

return promise // force break




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