Ion-footer, sticky for the ion content and the bottom of the screen

I want to create a footer whose height will depend on the height of the content, for example

how is it supposed to work

Also, the footer cannot be less than 2 images (minimum height).

The content is dynamically generated (ionic list * ngFor). This is my current pseudocode


<ion-content padding>
    <button ion-item *ngFor="let item of items">

<ion-footer class="footer">



  background-color: blue;
  min-height: 10em;
  height: auto;


But it never fills all the blank space on the screen, I am still like this:

how it works


source to share

3 answers

The ionic footer approach won't work here as the needle-style CSS style has absolute positioning. This means that its height cannot be relative to the height of the ion content.

The required layout can be achieved with a different approach using flex.

<ion-content >
 <div style=" display: flex;flex-direction: column;height: 100%;">
     <ion-list padding-horizontal padding-top style="overflow-y: scroll;max-height: 90%;">
       <button ion-item *ngFor="let item of items">
     <div style="flex: 1;background-color: blue;">Footer</div>


Extract the icon element from HTML. This should give a similar layout.



try it



it worked for me just now.

The footer was expanded as items grew or shrank.



I would like to suggest a different "more ionic" approach, using my own components instead of divs and a few style rules.

Jay's solution solves the problem with CSS by placing a sticky footer at the bottom of the content. However, I moved the component out of it, so it always stays at the bottom of the page:

  // Page content
  // Footer content


To see an online example, I created a StackBlitz here . Hopefully this may be helpful for you (albeit a little late) and for future readers.



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