WooCommerce removes custom jQuery codes. I am adding to the product brief.

I am developing an ecommerce site using WordPress + WooCommerce.

I've added buttons for specific products in the Short Description field to quickly select a specific number of products to add to the cart (this is because I have different offers, for example, "Buy 4 for 3").

I have a script as in a generic jquery file:

    function pack4() { document.getElementById("quantity").value = "4"; }
    function pack8() { document.getElementById("quantity").value = "8"; }


And this is some sample code I have in some products. Short description:

<span><strong>4x3 Pack:</strong>TOTAL<strong>$1800</strong></span>
<button class="select" onclick="pack4()">Select</button>


Everything works, and whenever you click on each button, the number of orders adds the corresponding number.

The point is that . When my client (who usually edits products) clicks on the text / visual close of the short description, the code disappears. I think WordPress / WooCommerce has a jQuery filter that erases codes like this. I need this not to be done because the client regularly edits things (and of course they don't know anything about coding). Otherwise, I have to add code every time. onclick="pack4()"

I also suspect that WP / WC is also filtering it without clicking on that text / visual flap (but I could be wrong about that).

Does anyone know what to do?


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1 answer

The easiest and most accurate way is to create your own shortcode like this:

if( !function_exists('display_product_button_pack') ) {

    function display_product_button_pack( $atts ) {

        // Shortcode Attributes
        $atts = shortcode_atts(
                'pack' => '4', // default pack is 4

        $output = '<button class="select" onclick="pack'.$atts['pack'].'()">Select</button>';

        return $output;


    add_shortcode( 'button_pack', 'display_product_button_pack' );


The code goes in the function.php file of your active child theme (or theme), as well as any plugin file.

The code has been tested and works.


Your shortcode has an optional argument , default value ... pack


For example, for your package 8, you would enter this into the short description description editor:

[button_pack pack="8"]


This will output this html:

<button class="select" onclick="pack8()">Select</button>


For Pack 4, since the default argument is already 4, you just use this:





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