C ++ class follows with template keyword

I am compiling a C ++ library that uses the C ++ math library Eigen3. However, the following codes introduce some syntax errors when compiled with VC2013:

template <typename Derived>
    inline Eigen::Transform<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry> v2t(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& x_) {
    Eigen::Transform<typename Derived::Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry> X;
    Eigen::Matrix<typename Derived::Scalar, 6, 1> x(x_);
    X.template linear() = quat2mat(x.template block<3,1>(3,0));
    X.template translation() = x.template block<3,1>(0,0);
    return X;


The error messages look like this:

Error   C2059   syntax error : 'template'    
Error   C2039   'X' : is not a member of 'Eigen::Transform<float,3,1,0>'        
Error   C2059   syntax error : 'template'    
Error   C2039   'X' : is not a member of 'Eigen::Transform<float,3,1,0>'    


I've never seen codes like this X.template

, so I have no idea how I can go about doing this to fix this compilation error. Any ideas?


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1 answer

The keyword template

should be used here to disambiguate between the pattern and the comparison operator, for example:

struct X {
    template <int A>
    void f();

template <class T>
void g() {
    T t{};
    t.f<4>(); // Error - Do you want to compare t.f with 4 
              // or do you want to call the template t.f ?


You need t.template f<4>()

"disambiguate" here. The problem with the library being used is that Eigen::Transform<...>::linear

it is not a template member function, so the keyword template

is optional here and should not be used (I think).

[temps.name # 5]

The keyword-prefixed name template

must be a template identifier, or the name must refer to a class template. [Note. The keyword template

cannot be applied to members without class template templates. -end note] [...]

MSVC is right, Eigen::Transform<...>::linear

is a member without a class template template, so the keyword template

shouldn't apply. The following example from the standard should be poorly formed, but compiles fine with gcc and clang:

template <class T> struct A {
    void f(int);
    template <class U> void f(U);

template <class T> void f(T t) {
    A<T> a;
    a.template f<>(t); // OK: calls template
    a.template f(t); // error: not a template-id


There is already a problem about this library regarding the library you are using on github , but without any answers from the author .. You can update the header ( ncip/bm_se3.h

) yourself or fork the project and make a fetch request to github.



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