Running bokeh server programmatically for browser display locally

I am doing interactive data processing with a utility bokeh

( 0.12.6

) which I will deploy in a package. The idea is that the user can run some subroutine module.utility()

that will start the bokeh server, launch the application in the browser, and when the tab or browser is closed, the server will be stopped.

My app launches fine if I launch it bokeh serve --show myapp

, but it hangs when connecting to localhost using my method below. I checked the handlers, everything looks as it should.

Is this a reasonable thing and am I understanding it correctly?

Catalog format

<installed module path>/myapp


Where ./myapp

will be located in venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/mymodule

, etc.

from import curdoc
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.models.sources import ColumnDataSource

source = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=list(range(5)), y=list(range(5))))

p = figure(width=300, height=300, tools=[], toolbar_location=None)
p.line(x='x', y='y', source=source)

curdoc().add_root(column(p, sizing_mode='scale_width'))


Execute script

def run_single_server(abs_app_path, port=5000):
    '''Run bokeh application for single session from server`'''
    from bokeh.application import Application
    from bokeh.application.handlers import DirectoryHandler
    from bokeh.server.server import Server
    import os

    app_name = os.path.split(abs_app_path)[1]
    url = '/{}'.format(app_name)

    # Start a bokeh server
    apps = {url:Application(DirectoryHandler(filename=abs_app_path))}
    server = Server(apps, port=port)

    # somehow wait for session to end, perhaps using ``



def utility():
    import mymodule

    module_path = os.path.split(mymodule.__file__)[0]
    abs_app_path = os.path.join(module_path, 'myapp')

    run_single_server(abs_app_path, port=5000)



Perhaps this procedure is basically

, and let it work like this:

import mymodule

# 1. Browser launches
# 2. user does stuff
# 3. user closes window
# 4. bokeh server is shutdown


Update I found build_single_handler_application

and tried this but also seems to freeze.

from bokeh.command.util import build_single_handler_application
import os

app_name = os.path.split(abs_app_path)[1]
url = '/{}'.format(app_name)

# Start a bokeh server
apps = build_single_handler_application(abs_app_path)



source to share

1 answer

Looks like I was having several problems. As a result, I found and adapted the code I found on the postgroup here for my use case.

I managed to get everything to work using a separate process: 1) starting the server, 2) starting the app urls with, webbrowser

and 3) checking for closed connections and shutting down.

I think I could do away with initializing the server instance tornado

as I did in the checkbox example I adapted, but I'm happy here.

Note. This example uses single file applications, but you can also pass paths for applications formatted in a directory.

def create_bokeh_server(io_loop, files, argvs, host, port):
    '''Start bokeh server with applications paths'''
    from bokeh.server.server import Server
    from bokeh.command.util import build_single_handler_applications

    # Turn file paths into bokeh apps
    apps = build_single_handler_applications(files, argvs)

    # kwargs lifted from bokeh serve call to Server, with created io_loop
    kwargs = {
        'host': host,
    server = Server(apps,**kwargs)

    return server

def run_single_app(files, port=5000, new='tab'):

    def start_bokeh(io_loop):
        '''Start the `io_loop`'''
        return None

    def launch_app(host, app_name, new):
        '''Lauch app in browser

        Ideally this would `bokeh.util.browser.view()`, but it doesn't work
        import webbrowser

        # Map method strings to webbrowser method
        options = {'current':0, 'window':1, 'tab':2}

        # Concatenate url and open in browser, creating a session
        app_url = 'http://{}/{}'.format(host, app_name)
        print('Opening `{}` in browser'.format(app_url)), new=options[new])

        return None

    def server_loop(server, io_loop):
        '''Check connections once session created and close on disconnect'''
        import time

        connected = [True,]
        session_loaded = False
        while any(connected):

            # Check if no session started on server
            sessions = server.get_sessions()
            if not session_loaded:
                if sessions:
                    session_loaded = True
            # Once 1+ sessions started, check for no connections
                # List of bools for each session
                connected = [True,]*len(sessions)
                # Set `connected` item false no connections on session
                for i in range(len(sessions)):
                    if sessions[i].connection_count == 0:
                        connected[i] = False
            # Keep the pace down

        # Stop server once opened session connections closed

        return None

    import os
    import threading
    import tornado.ioloop
    import tornado.autoreload
    import time

    # Initialize some values, sanatize the paths to the bokeh plots
    argvs = {}
    app_names = []
    for path in files:
        argvs[path] = None

    # Concate hostname/port for creating handlers, launching apps
    host = 'localhost:{}'.format(port)

    # Initialize the tornado server
    io_loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance()

    # Add the io_loop to the bokeh server
    server = run_bokeh_server(io_loop, files, argvs, host, port)

    print('Starting the server on {}'.format(host))
    args = (io_loop,)
    th_startup = threading.Thread(target=start_bokeh, args=args)

    # Launch each application in own tab or window
    th_launch = [None,]*len(app_names)
    for i in range(len(app_names)):
        args = (host, app_names[i], new)
        th_launch[i] = threading.Thread(target=launch_app, args=args)
        # Delay to allow tabs to open in same browser window

    # Run session connection test, then stop `io_loop`
    args = (server, io_loop)
    th_shutdown = threading.Thread(target=server_loop, args=args)

    return None

if __name__ == "__main__":

import os
files = [os.path.join('bokeh', fname) for fname in ['','']]
run_single_app(files, port=5006)




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