View not refreshed after first launching LiveData when using background work in Android
I am creating a debt app on Android using Dagger 2 , Room and MVVM . My problem is the reactivity of my main view where the list of debts is shown and you can mark them.
When this action is started, all debts are loaded correctly, however when I insert a new debt the view is not updated accordingly .
The weird part is that when I check one of them, the view refreshes as expected.
After a lot of debugging, I can conclude that the problem is with the lifecycle of the ViewModel, because debts are generated using a background job. If I hardcoded a new insert into the database in the ViewModel constructor, the view refreshes as expected.
Here is my code for Room Dao:
interface DebtDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.ABORT)
fun insert(debt: Debt)
@Query("SELECT * FROM debts WHERE id=:debtId")
fun findOne(debtId: Long): Debt
@Query("SELECT * FROM debts")
fun findAll(): LiveData<List<Debt>>
debts.*, AS product_name, AS debtor_name, AS creditor_name
FROM debts
INNER JOIN products p ON debts.product_id =
INNER JOIN debtors d ON debts.debtor_id =
INNER JOIN creditors c ON debts.creditor_id =
fun findAllWithProductDebtorAndCreditor(): LiveData<List<DebtWithDebtorCreditorAndProduct>>
fun update(debt: Debt)
class DebtsListActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var viewModelFactory: ViewModelProvider.Factory
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val mainViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, viewModelFactory).get(
val debtsListAdapter = DebtsListAdapter(ArrayList()) {
showSuccess("Debt updated with success!")
mainViewModel.formattedDebts.observe(this, Observer<List<DebtWithDebtorCreditorAndProduct>> {
if (it != null) {
// This is only invoked when launching initially the activity or then ticking on of the debts as paid not when inserting a new debt
rvDebts.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
rvDebts.adapter = debtsListAdapter
View Model:
class DebtsListViewModel @Inject constructor(var debtDao: DebtDao) : ViewModel() {
private var debts: LiveData<List<Debt>> = debtDao.findAll()
var formattedDebts: LiveData<List<DebtWithDebtorCreditorAndProduct>> = Transformations.switchMap(debts) {
fun payDebt(debtId: Long) {
val paidDebt = debtDao.findOne(debtId)
debtDao.update(paidDebt.copy(paid = true))
fun getUnpaidDebts(): List<DebtWithDebtorCreditorAndProduct> =
formattedDebts.value?.filter { !it.debt.paid }.orEmpty()
What I would like to do is notify a formatted debt list containing all the required information.
This is the background job code:
class GenerateDebtJobService : JobService() {
lateinit var debtDao: DebtDao
lateinit var productDao: ProductDao
lateinit var productsDebtorsDao: ProductDebtorDao
lateinit var productCreditorsDao: ProductCreditorDao
override fun onStartJob(params: JobParameters): Boolean { as FineApplication).inject(this)
val productId = params.extras.getLong("id")
val product = productDao.findOne(productId)
val productCreditor = productCreditorsDao.findOneByProduct(productId)
val debtors = productsDebtorsDao.findAllByProduct(productId)
// When the bill day is reached for a given product the debtors list associated with that product is looped through and a new debt is created
debtors.forEach {
debtDao.insert(Debt(productId = it.productProductId, debtorId = it.productDebtorId, quantity = product.recurringCost, date = DateTime().toString(), creditorId = productCreditor.productCreditorId))
return false
override fun onStopJob(params: JobParameters): Boolean {
Log.e("GenerateDebtJob", "job finished")
return false
companion object {
fun build(application: Application, productId: Long, periodicity: Days, startDay: Days) {
val serviceComponent = ComponentName(application,
val bundle = PersistableBundle()
bundle.putLong("id", productId)
val builder = JobInfo.Builder(productId.toInt(), serviceComponent)
// .setPeriodic(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(periodicity.days.toLong()))
(application.getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE) as JobScheduler).schedule(
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