How do I use webpack with typescript?

I am using an example from a .js loop


import { run } from '@cycle/run';
import {makeDOMDriver, div, button} from '@cycle/dom';
import _ from 'lodash';
import xs from 'xstream';

function main (sources) {

  console.log('Hello World');

  const add$ = sources.DOM
    .map(ev => 1);

  const count$ = add$.fold((total, change) => total + change, 0);

  return {
    DOM: count$.map(count =>
      div('.counter', [
        'Count: ' + count,
        button('.add', 'Add')

const drivers = {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver('.app')

run(main, drivers);


When I compile my project it creates MyScripts.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var run_1 = require("@cycle/run");
var dom_1 = require("@cycle/dom");

function main(sources) {
    console.log('Hello World');
    var add$ = sources.DOM
        .map(function (ev) { return 1; });
    var count$ = add$.fold(function (total, change) { return total + change; }, 0);
    return {
        DOM: count$.map(function (count) {
            return dom_1.div('.counter', [
                'Count: ' + count,
                dom_1.button('.add', 'Add')
var drivers = {
    DOM: dom_1.makeDOMDriver('.app')
};, drivers);


When I check the page in chrome I get

Uncaught ReferenceError: exports is not defined


MyScript.js line 2

This answer says that I probably need a webpack.
gulp babel, no export defined

How do I download a webpack? What is it like<script type='javascript' src='webpack' >


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2 answers

I ended up using systemjs as my module loader, which requires correct tson.config as well as correct mappings in the system.configjs.js file

WebPack is an alternative module loader



After months of trouble getting the basic TypeScript environment set up, I finally got it working yesterday, mainly copying this starter project.

I didn't want to use Webpack as it is a heavy dependency that installs many other npm packages , but replicating the starter project was pretty straightforward and everything worked very well after that.



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