Python with Selenium: Cannot find element error
I am trying to populate a textbox but I cannot find the element.
I tried to find element
- by class
- by the name
- Added 10 seconds wait
But I am still getting the same error.
Here is the HTML
<div class="innerWrap">
<textarea aria-autocomplete="list" aria-controls="typeahead_list_u_0_j"
aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="true" aria-label=
"Write a birthday wish on his Timeline..." class=
"enter_submit uiTextareaNoResize uiTextareaAutogrow uiStreamInlineTextarea inlineReplyTextArea mentionsTextarea textInput"
cols="48" id="u_0_k" name="message_text" placeholder=
"Write a birthday wish on his Timeline..." role="textbox" title=
"Write a birthday wish on his Timeline..."></textarea>
My code:
textbox = driver.find_element_by_name('message_text')
textbox.send_keys('Happy Birthday! ')
The webpage I'm working on is Facebook. Birthdays
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So, I was finally able to find the element and fix the above error by looking at the page source.
The source of the page showed that the name of the element message
, not message_text
. However, the validation element in the browser still shows message_text
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This question has been answered, but the doc links the answer points to are out of date, so here is the updated "switch to" / switch commands selenium docs
You need to use this command to switch your driver so that it works in the correct window / frame / etc.
Check which windows are open by running: first run driver.getWindowHandles();
to bring back a set of all windows
Then use driver.switchTo().window(handle);} #if switching to another window
or driver.switchTo().frame("yourframename");} #if switching to a frame
or driver.switchTo().alert(); #if switching to a popup
Hope it helps
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