LINQ GroupBy with SQLite.EF6 results in "APPLY joins not supported" exception

I have a table VersionedEntities

that looks like this:

| Id | Name         | Version |
| 1  | FirstEntity  | 1       |
| 2  | SecondEntity | 2       |
| 1  | ThirdEntity  | 3       |



is the primary key.



public class VersionedEntity
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public long Version { get; set; }


I want to select the latest version of each Id

, which results in this:

| Id | Name         | Version |
| 2  | SecondEntity | 2       |
| 1  | ThirdEntity  | 3       |


I already have a working query when used Microsoft SQL Server

as a database:

List<VersionedEntity> versionedEntities;

using (var dbContext = _createDbContext())
    versionedEntities = dbContext.VersionedEntity
        .GroupBy(versionedEntity => versionedEntity.Id)
        .Select(group => group.OrderByDescending(versionedEntity => versionedEntity.Version).FirstOrDefault()).ToList());


I want to use SQLite as a database instead, but using SQLite the above query results in NotSupportedException

the message: APPLY joins are not supported


I found that only LEFT OUTER JOIN

( source ) is implemented in SQLite . I believe LINQ is GroupBy()

using one of the unimplemented unions.

I would like to know if there is a workaround for this, or if I can rewrite my query to something SQLite compatible.


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1 answer

I could suggest the following alternative query that should translate to a NOT EXISTS

criteria -based SQL query :

var result = db.VersionedEntity
    .Where(e => !db.VersionedEntity.Any(e2 => e2.Id == e.Id && e2.Version > e.Version))


This is just a different interpretation of the requirement - select an entry if there is no other entry with the same Id

or more Version




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